Academic DepartmentThe Department of Psychiatry provides exceptional and quality care, opportunities and education in the field of psychiatry.
Contact Us
4400 W. 69th St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Welcome to the Department of Psychiatry
Our attending physicians highly value teaching and equipping students and resident physicians for their future careers as physicians. Third-year medical students participate in a psychiatric care clerkship in outpatient/inpatient settings and advance to selected psychiatry electives during their fourth year in the program.
Educational support is also provided to many physician assistant students who complete their behavioral health rotation in psychiatry.
Superlative care, experience and training enhance our residency program and the child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship. A range of continuing medical education activities, sponsored special lectures and conferences are also provided throughout the year.