Arts in Health
Art can play a powerful role in the healing process. Through the undergraduate arts in health program, you can explore the role of the arts in health care settings and gain hands-on experience in this growing field.
Explore the Intersections of Arts and Health
Arts in health embraces the use of visual arts, dance and movement, music, literature and poetry, drama and theater to enhance the health and wellbeing for all individuals, regardless of age or ability.
The arts in health program is designed to explore the diverse, multi-disciplinary field of arts in health. You’ll learn about the history of the field, professional best practices, ethics and creative strategies to develop and facilitate arts programming within a broad range of health care and public health environments. The program includes community service-learning hours, providing you with invaluable experience working with a variety of populations. Pursue your passion for the arts and serve others with an arts in health minor or certificate in arts.Degrees & Offerings
Arts in Health
CertificateThe undergraduate arts in health (AIH) certificate is a 12 credit-hour online certificate program, with an on-site internship semester at a health care or public health organization. The program is designed to explore the diverse, multi-disciplinary field of arts in health, with curriculum covering history of the field, professional best practices, ethics and creative strategies to develop and facilitate arts programming. This certificate program is open to all majors, and no prerequisites are required to enroll in the first introductory course, Arts in Health.
Arts in Health
MinorThe arts in health minor equips you to become a future professional by exploring how diverse art forms (visual arts, dance, music, literature, theatre, etc.) can be used to enhance health and well-being in healthcare and community settings. Through this program, you'll gain a strong foundation in the field's history, best practices, ethics and creative program development, all while enriching your existing major with the power of artistic expression for promoting health and wellness.
Program Details
Known for Excellence
Student Opportunities
This local chapter of a national graphic art organization collaborates with local businesses to create design projects, giving members hands-on experience in designing for real companies.
Departments & Facilities

The Department of Art will provide you with unique and applicable real-world experience and connections that enable you to immerse yourself in an environment built for personal and creative discovery.
faculty and staff

Serving Communities
Through classroom and community service-learning hours, you will gain valuable skills working with a variety of health care and community populations, including but not limited to:
- Healthcare Centers
- Senior Living
- Community Centers
- Hospice
- Accessibility Services
- Military and Veteran Services
- Prisons and Detention Centers