Contact Us

Department of Art
Warren M. Lee Center for Fine Arts
414 E. Clark St.
Vermillion SD 57069
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


College Dean

Welcome to the Department of Art

From ceramics, graphic design and sculpture to painting, photography and printmaking, art brings together thinkers and creators interested in developing their craft and bringing beauty into the world.

At USD, our faculty are qualified and effective leaders who bring a wealth of experiences and insights to the classroom. Along with our intimate class sizes, this expertise enables a rich learning environment for our students, who learn to think creatively and work collaboratively as they strive to develop, grow and learn new skills as an artist. We connect our students with real-world experiences like internships and study abroad opportunities that allow them to learn both inside and outside the classroom. The Department of Art will provide you with the training, facilities and opportunities you need to launch your career. 

Join our community of exceptional thinkers, artists and designers.

If you are looking for a rewarding education built on personal and creative development, the USD Department of Art is the place for you. You'll learn from outstanding faculty, participate in workshops with nationally and internationally renowned artists and designers, get hands-on experience through internships and community projects, contribute to galleries and create your own art in our exceptional studio spaces. 


Meet the Department

Get to know the faculty and staff in the Department of Art. Our faculty include professional artists who are experts in their fields, contributing real-world experiences and applicable knowledge to the classroom. 
Bio Image for Faculty Member Cory Knedler

Cory Knedler

Chair, Art/Professor


Art Education
Bio Image for Faculty Member John Banasiak

John Banasiak



Bio Image for Faculty Member Young Ae Kim

Young Ae Kim



Graphic Design, UX & UI, and Immersive Design
Bio Image for Faculty Member Christopher Meyer

Christopher Meyer

Associate Professor


Bio Image for Faculty Member Lauren Freese

Lauren Freese

Associate Professor


Art History
Bio Image for Faculty Member Michael Hook

Michael Hook



Printmaking, Painting, Drawing, Mixed Media
Bio Image for Faculty Member Amber Hansen

Amber Hansen

Associate Professor


Bio Image for Faculty Member James Quigley

James Quigley

Assistant Professor


Graphic Design, letterpress printing
Bio Image for Faculty Member Erin Wohletz

Erin Wohletz

Assistant Professor


Bio Image for Faculty Member Liz Heeren

Liz Heeren

Senior Lecturer


Art Foundations, Painting
Bio Image for Faculty Member Carol Geu

Carol Geu

Senior Lecturer


With qualities like small class sizes, specialized programs and incredible student opportunities, USD is not your typical university. What makes us unique is what makes your education exceptional.

Department Opportunities

Explore the variety of opportunities and resources available to students, faculty and staff.
Students receive exclusive access to NYC artist's studios

Art Immersion in NYC

USD art majors have the opportunity to visit the New York City studios of today’s top visual artists on a once in a lifetime, all-expenses-paid trip. This incomparable educational experience is provided through the expertise and generosity of USD alumna art collector John Thomson and other generous donors, including Tom and Nancy Gallagher. During a long weekend, students visit up to 15 studios plus the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum, tour Mr. Thomson’s personal collection, and experience the sights, sounds, and tastes of New York City. 
Pictures of feet in a circle

Discover Your Community

Whether you attend a local art workshop or join a national artist association, the Department of Art at USD offers you endless opportunities to find your unique way of expression and peers who share your vision. You'll learn to develop a thoughtfully executed and skilled body of work to contextualize your art through readings, field trips, rotating art exhibitions, artist lectures, research programs and campus events. 
Students at the Oscar Howe Summer Art Institute.

SDAEA / SDCAA Conferences

Hosted by USD, SDAEA and SDCAA are conferences for art and design educators from South Dakota. The conference offers presentations and workshops submitted by K-12 and higher education educators, covering a wide range of art program content.

hear from our students

Success story Levi Sternberg smiling.
USD has outstanding amenities, inspiring faculty, and a beautiful community. USD should be the first choice for anyone who wants to study art in South Dakota.

Levi Sternburg

BFA Art Education, Sculpture '22
Brandon, SD

Continue Exploring In Department of Art