Counting on Change: Beacom Alumnus Ty Inglis Leaves Lasting Legacy

Having graduated with an accounting degree from the Beacom School of Business, Inglis understood from an early age the importance of financial literacy, giving back, and having the freedom and flexibility to have a say in the process.
When Inglis was approached by the USD Foundation about a potential planned giving bequest, the choice seemed obvious.
“I’ve been very blessed, very fortunate for the experiences I’ve had, and USD has been a major part of that,” Inglis said. “I’ve served on a number of nonprofit boards over the years, and I know the impact an endowment can have.”
Planned giving involves providing a future gift through financial and/or estate plans, typically donated through a will or trust that comes from a variety of traditional and nontraditional assets. Different from an annual gift, planned gifts benefit the foundation or organization for decades to come, making their legacy one of lasting impact.
“I had asked myself, ‘What kind of legacy do I want to leave?’ For me, planned giving made the most sense,” Inglis said. “I get to enjoy the income while I’m alive, and I can direct dollars to things I think are important.”
Planned giving assets often include real estate, retirement assets, cash, insurance, and stocks and bonds. On rare occasions, gifts are so transformational that the opportunity arises to impact multiple areas of need. In Inglis’ case, his planned giving gifts have been split between two vehicles.
“I started the Ty Inglis Scholarship Endowment in 2013 for accounting students enrolled in the USD Beacom School of Business. More recently, I’ve made a bequest toward the Beacom School of Business Change Current Fund,” Inglis said. “I’m really excited about this opportunity because it means my gift can be used for something that may not exist yet, at the dean’s discretion. Knowing that my legacy will positively impact a future I may not be privy to is very rewarding.”
In addition to the financial benefits of planned giving, Inglis’ passion for accessible opportunities was the driving factor for this most recent gift.
“I had the opportunity to travel the country teaching continuing education for certified public accountants, and I would always start my classes by asking how many people woke up and thought it was a great day for accounting,” Inglis said. “As you can imagine, no one spoke up, and my hope is to change that. Whether it’s through a scholarship or an opportunity fund, I hope my bequest can help students further a passion that they love and simultaneously meet a need in the world.”
Having since moved to “Big Sky Country” in Butte, Montana, Inglis remains loyal to USD and has found comfort in knowing his legacy will live on beyond his days.
“This is a really worthwhile investment, and it’s important because it not only makes you stop and reflect on what matters to you, but it also encourages you to leave a legacy that honors the vital role USD has played in your life,” Inglis said. “A lasting impact is the greatest gift any donor can receive, and it’s been a great joy to give back in a multitude of ways.”
To learn more about planned giving, bequests and how your gift can impact students, visit