The University of South Dakota’s Beacom School of Business and South Dakota Trade are expanding their partnership to provide new opportunities for students and South Dakota companies engaged in international trade.

The relationship, in its second year, has already provided continuing education to over 70 individuals across the state on topics like "revolutionizing supply chain management," "exploring the global marketplace," and "importing and exporting regulations."

"The world is getting more complicated, not less," said USD President Sheila K. Gestring. "We have a responsibility to ensure that our students and our existing workforce are well equipped to navigate these changing waters, and USD and South Dakota Trade remain committed to meeting that need. We are proud to expand this partnership as we continue to serve South Dakota."

"The world-class faculty at USD has already delivered tremendous value to our partner organizations," said Luke Lindberg, president & CEO of South Dakota Trade. “This expanded partnership will enable us to deliver even more value to our state, which is taking a methodical and thoughtful approach to growing our presence in overseas markets."

The partnership is focused on the following four key areas.

  • Continuing executive education for business professionals.
  • Connecting students to international business opportunities through the Coyote Business Consulting program.
  • Growing USD’s partnerships with foreign universities and recruiting international students.
  • Co-hosting the 2024 Midwest Agricultural Export Summit, which brings together agricultural leaders from seven Midwestern states to collaborate on export opportunities.

"The Beacom School of Business continues to be innovative in our offerings to directly address the challenges in our state," said Tim O’Keefe, Ph.D., dean of the business school. "We have a great working relationship with South Dakota Trade and are confident that our partnership can strengthen South Dakota’s competitiveness in the global economy."

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