Internship in Pierre Allows Sophomore Political Science Student to Network with State Leaders

“I am getting the chance to meet and learn from some of the most successful employees in the state at the young age of 19,” says Vetter, a rising sophomore double majoring in political science and legal studies at the University of South Dakota. “I have met so many incredible people and these are relationships that will stick with me for years to come.”
The Aberdeen native interns with Jackley in his Pierre office. Vetter says she works on department projects and observes real courtroom proceedings under the Division of Consumer Protection.
After having the opportunity to intern with Gov. Kristi Noem this spring, she was encouraged by Deputy Attorney General Mark Barnett to consider interning with the attorney general’s office.
“This internship is very meaningful to me as I am the only undergraduate intern,” Vetter says. “The other interns I work with are all either starting law school or already in law school, so when I meet people, they are shocked when they realize I am an upcoming sophomore in my undergraduate degree.”
While at USD, Vetter has found support from two groups that she has been a part of: the Alpha Phi sorority and USD College Republicans.
“Alpha Phi really allowed me to lean on upperclassmen and other strong women with questions,” Vetter says. “The USD College Republicans group repeatedly put me in professional situations. These two main activities supported me when I decided to take the next step.”
Once she finishes her undergraduate degree, Vetter plans to attend law school with the goal of becoming an attorney general.
“There are some things that a textbook cannot teach you. I can read about the law and process all I want, but until I experience an assault trial, or a plea deal firsthand, it won’t feel real,” Vetter says. “Life experience is one thing you cannot get from sitting in a classroom. This internship is preparing me for what to expect for the rest of my life along with showing me that my hard work will pay off.”