Law School Dean Appointed to Tribal Issues Advisory Group

Fulton will fill a three-year membership term, after which he will be eligible for reappointment.
The TIAG was established by the U.S. Sentencing Commission to assist the commission by providing views on federal sentencing issues related to American Indian and Alaska Native defendants and victims and offenses committed in Indian country. Part of the members’ responsibilities is to communicate and consult with tribes and tribal governments about the tribal implications of federal sentencing issues.
“The impact of the United States Sentencing Guidelines in Indian country is significant but too often receives insufficient attention,” said Fulton. “I was honored to be a member of the ad hoc TIAG as a federal public defender and am honored to return to the standing committee now.
“This is important work that provides a concrete opportunity to create more just and effective sentencing policy for Indian people across the United States,” he continued.
Fulton is one of four at-large members and one of nine members overall.