Of the 86 new law students, 28% are first-generation college students, and 82% are first-generation law students.

Additionally, 40% of the class are non-traditional students, having gained valuable experience in the workforce before pursuing their legal education.

South Dakota residents make up 60% of the student body. The remaining student body represents many states, including Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Carolina, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin.

The academic credentials of the incoming class are notable. The LSAT scores for the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles are 149, 152, and 155, respectively. Furthermore, the undergraduate GPA (UGPA) for the 75th percentile stands at 3.87, marking a new record.

“We are excited to welcome this accomplished group of students to the Knudson School of Law and look forward to how they will contribute to our academic community,” said Dean Neil Fulton.

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