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Prentiss Clark is an Associate Professor in the Department of English. She is author of Ralph Waldo Emerson: A Companion (McFarland 2022), “‘The arch abolitionist’: Emerson, Love, and Social Justice” in The Oxford Handbook of Ralph Waldo Emerson (Oxford UP 2024), and “‘Allied to all’: Emerson and Ethics Beyond Self-Reliance” (forthcoming in the New Cambridge Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson). Her articles appear in Nineteenth-Century Literature, the James Baldwin Review, and the Henry James Review. She is currently working on a monograph titled Measures of Intimacy: Emerson to Du Bois to Baldwin.
U.S. literature and culture (especially nineteenth and early-twentieth century); literature and philosophy; literature and civic living; aesthetics. Recent graduate courses include “‘Perception at the pitch of passion’: Henry James & James Baldwin,” “Writing the ‘American Renaissance’ from the 19th Century to Now,” “Investigating the Ethical Life in Literature,” and “Aesthetics.” Recent undergraduate courses include "American Literature I," "Introduction to Criticism," and "Honors English."
U.S. literature (especially the long nineteenth century); literature and philosophy; aesthetics; humanities advocacy; Ralph Waldo Emerson, W.E.B. Du Bois, James Baldwin, Henry and William James, the poetries of Whitman, Dickinson, and Wallace Stevens, and writing in all forms.