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- David Swanson
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Courses Taught Regularly: BIOL 417 - Field Ecology, BIOL 433 - Environmental Physiology, BIOL 441 - Histology, BIOL 463 - Ornithology, BIOL 481 - Vertebrate Anatomy and Embryology
My research interests are broadly based in the areas of ecological physiology, the evolution of physiological adaptation in animals (particularly vertebrates), and ornithology. Within these broad areas, my specific research foci include patterns and mechanisms of seasonal phenotypic flexibility and adaptation to cold in birds, freezing tolerance and overwintering strategies in amphibians, and woodland and wetland habitat use by migrating and breeding birds in the Northern Prairie region. Research in my laboratory is integrative in nature, and includes ecological (field-oriented), organismal, organ/tissue, biochemical and molecular approaches to gaining answers to questions within these research foci.
- Ph D, Zoology, Oregon State University, 1990
- BS, Biology, George Fox University, 1983
- Management of Invasive Red Cedar on the Missouri National Recreational River: Implications for Bird Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function, National Park Service, (2025 - 2028)
- Descriptive and experimental studies of settlement of zebra mussels on suspended substrates in the Missouri River, National Park Service, (2024 - 2026)
- Collaborative Research: Costs and Trade-offs of Phenotypically Flexible Responses to Winter Temperature Variability in Birds , National Science Foundation, (2023 - 2026)
- Impacts of Redcedar Invasion along the Missouri National Recreational River on Winter Riparian Bird Richness and Abundance, South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, (2022 - 2023)
- Missouri River Natural Resource Intern Program, National Park Service, (2021 - 2025)
- Goat Island Biodiversity and Aquatic-Terrestrial Subsidies within Riparian Ecosystems of the MNRR, National Park Service - MNRR, (2020 - 2021)
- MRI-MNRR Missouri River Natural Resources Intern Program, National Park Service, (2020 - 2021)
- Stopover biology of grassland migrant birds in southeastern South Dakota, SD Game, Fish and Parks, (2019 - 2021)
- Evaluating Post-Flood Sandbar Succession and Species Biodiversity Related to Listed Species Habitat , National Park Service, (2018 - 2021)
- RII Track-2 FEC: Sustainable socio-economic, ecological, and technological scenarios for achieving global climate stabilization through negative CO2 emission policies, National Science Foundation, (2016 - 2021)
- REU Site: Sustainable RIVER (Remediating InVasives to Encourage Resilience), National Science Foundation, (2016 - 2020)
- Missouri River Natural Resources Intern Program, National Park Service, (2016 - 2019)
- Common Nighthawks in agricultural landscapes: thermal microclimates, nesting productivity and population genetic structure, South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, (2016 - 2017)
- Sustainable Rivers: Integrating Earth Science & Sustainability Across the Curriculum, National Science Foundation, (2015 - 2016)
- A Reassessment of Virginia’s Warbler Distribution in the Black Hills, South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, (2015 - 2016)
- MCA-IOS: Transcriptomics and Phenotypic Flexibility in Birds, National Science Foundation, (2013 - 2014)
- Ecological Responses to the 2011 Flood along the Missouri River: Impacts on Cottonwood Forests, Songbirds, and Landscape Change, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (2012 - 2015)
- Post-flood Faunal Survey of the Delta Habitat of Upper Lewis and Clark Lake., South Dakota Game Fish and Parks, (2012 - 2013)
- Projecting Long-term Landscape Change along the Missouri River: Implications for Cottonwood Forests and Songbird Populations, Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative (US Fish and Wildlife Service), (2011 - 2013)
- Mechanisms of seasonal phenotypic flexibility in passerine birds, National Science Foundation, (2010 - 2014)
- Physiological and Ecological Measures of Stopover Habitat Quality in Natural Riparian Corridor Woodlands and Anthropogenic Woodlots in Southeastern South Dakota, Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 6 Migratory Bird Program, (2010 - 2014)
- Faunal Survey of the Delta Habitat of Upper Lewis and Clark Lake, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/State Wildlife Grants Program, (2010 - 2013)
- Assessment of Forest Songbird, Marsh Bird and Frog Community Composition along the Missouri National Recreational River using Auditory and Visual Census Techniques, National Park Service, (2010 - 2010)
- Population estimates, habitat relationships, and movement patterns of turtles in southeastern South Dakota , State Wildlife Grants, (2006 - 2011)
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Swanson, David. Birds of the Missouri River: Lewis and Clark to Today. In America's Longest River: A Cultural and Environmental History of the Missouri River. Sioux Falls, SD: Center for Western Studies, 2025.
- Marolf, Chelsi, and Swanson, David. Responses of body mass, organ masses, and metabolic rates in winter-phenotype house sparrows to fluctuating cold temperatures. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology, 2025. (DOI: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/734473)
- Dietrich, Roger, and Swanson, David. Use of a bark flake as a probing tool in white-breasted nuthatch, Sitta carolinensis., 1-4. Vol. 69 Southwestern Naturalist, 2025. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1894/0038-4909-69.2.1)
- West, Amy, and Swanson, David. Grasslands in the Northern Prairie region support a diverse assemblage of migrant birds and facilitate fattening during migratory stopover. Vol. 127 Ornithological Applications, 2025. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ornithapp/duae049)
- Jimenez, Ana G., Marolf, Chelsi, and Swanson, David. Oxidative stress across multiple tissues in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) acclimated to room temperature, stable cold, and unpredictable cold treatments. Vol. 194 Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2024. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00360-024-01572-2)
- Merkord, Christopher L., Rastandeh, Amin, Benson, Adam R., Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David. Vegetation associations of riparian birds in successional woodlands along the regulated Missouri River, 9. Vol. 18, Iss. 2 Avian Conservation and Ecology, 2023. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.5751/ACE-02492-180209)
- Swanson, David, Stager, Maria, Vézina, François, Liu, Jin-Song, McKechnie, Andrew E., and Goljani Amirkhiz, Reza. Evidence for a maintenance cost for birds maintaining highly flexible basal, but not summit, metabolic rates, 8968. Vol. 13 Scientific Reports, 2023. (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-32618-w)
- Liu, Ming, Kinnicutt, Patrick G., and Swanson, David. Arthropod prey and diets of woodland migrants are similar between natural riparian woodlands and anthropogenic woodlots in the Northern Prairie region, 45. Vol. 17, Iss. 2 Avian Conservation and Ecology, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.5751/ACE-2317-170245)
- Wone, Bernard, and Swanson, David. Metabolic profiling and integration of metabolomic and transcriptomic data from pectoralis muscle reveal winter-adaptive metabolic responses of black-capped chickadee and American goldfinch . In Avian Behavioral and Physiological Responses to Challenging Thermal Environments and Extreme Weather Events. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Ecophysiology, 2022. (DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.866130)
- Ley, Matthew J., Swanson, David L., Johnson, W. C., and Dixon, Mark D.. Land Use, Forests, and Birds of the Big Sioux River Valley. In Heartland River: A Cultural and Environmental History of the Big Sioux River Valley, editors Jon K. Lauck, 135-153. Sioux Falls, SD: The Center for Western Studies, Augustana University, 2022.
- Swanson, David, Vezina, Francois, McKechnie, Andrew, and Nord, Andreas. Editorial: Avian behavioral and physiological responses to challenging thermal environments and extreme weather events, 1034659. Vol. 10 Lausanne: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022. (DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.1034659)
- Swanson, David, Zhang, Yufeng, and Jimenez, Ana. Skeletal muscle and metabolic flexibility in response to changing energy demands in wild birds, 961392. Vol. 13 Lausaunne: Frontiers in Physiology, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2022.961392)
- Oboikovitz, Paige, and Swanson, David. Seasonal Metabolic Flexibility is Correlated with Microclimate Variation in Horned Larks and House Sparrows, 199-210. Vol. 68 Current Zoology/Oxford University Press, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/cz/zoab037)
- Ahmed, Selena, Warne, Teresa, Smith, Erin, Goemann, Hannah, Linse, Greta, Greenwood, Mark, Kedziora, Jeremy, Sapp, Meghan, Kraner, Debra, Roemer, Kelli, Haggerty, Julia H., Jarchow, Meghann, Swanson, David, Poulter, Benjamin, and Stoy, Paul C.. Systematic review on effects of bioenergy from edible versus inedible feedstocks on food security. Vol. 5, Iss. 9 npj Science of Food, 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41538-021-00091-6)
- Goljani-Amirkhiz, Reza, Dixon, Mark, Palmer, Jeffrey S., and Swanson, David L.. Investigating niches and distribution of a rare species in a hierarchical framework: Virginia's Warbler (Leiothlypis virginiae) at its northeastern range limit, 1039-1054. Vol. 36 Landscape Ecology, 2021. (DOI: 10.1007/s10980-021-01217-7)
- Knight, Elly C., Newberry, Gretchen, Swanson, David, and Others, + 24. A comprehensive approach to estimating migratory connectivity across the annual cycle reveals peaks in spatial and temporal connectivity that can direct conservation efforts, 665-679. Vol. 44 Ecography, 2021. (DOI: 10.1111/ecog.05111)
- Swanson, David. Book review of A World on the Wing: The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds by S. Weidensaul, 534-536. Vol. 92 Journal of Field Ornithology, 2021.
- Swanson, David, and Goljani Amirkhiz, Reza. Mid-summer arrival by Blue Grosbeaks at the northern extent of their breeding range: evidence for dual breeding?, 127-142. Vol. 92 Journal of Field Ornithology, 2021. (DOI: 10.1111/jofo.12367)
- Stager, Maria, Senner, Nathan, Swanson, David, Carling, Matt, Grieves, Tim, and Cheviron, Zac. Temperature heterogeneity correlates with intraspecific variation in physiological flexibility in a small endotherm, 4401. Vol. 12 Nature Communications, 2021. (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24588-6)
- Zhang, Yufeng, Yap, Kang Niang, David, Kyle, and Swanson, David. The high-energy aerial insectivore lifestyle of swallows does not produce clear thermogenic side effects, 1-14. Vol. 138 Ornithology, 2021. (DOI: 10.1093/ornithology/ukab022)
- Newberry, Gretchen N., O'Connor, Ryan S., and Swanson, David L.. Urban rooftop-nesting Common Nighthawk chicks tolerate high temperatures by hyperthermia with relatively low rates of evaporative water loss, 1-13. Vol. 123 Ornithological Applications, 2021. (DOI: 10.1093/ornithapp/duab016)
- Wesner, Jeff, Swanson, David, Dixon, Mark, Soluk, Daniel, Quist, Daniele, Yager, Lisa, Warmbold, Jerry, Oddy, Erika, and Seidel, Tyler. Loss of potential aquatic-terrestrial subsidies along the Missouri River floodplain. Ecosystems, 2020.
- Strauss, Emilie, and Swanson, David. Apparent use of a rock crevice as a nocturnal roost by a ruby-crowned kinglet, 320-324. Vol. 51, Iss. 4 Western Birds, 2020.
- Swanson, David L., Agin, Timothy J., Zhang, Yufeng, Oboikovitz, Paige, and DuBay, Shane. Metabolic flexibility in response to within-season temperature variability in house sparrows, 1-17. Vol. 2 Integrative Organismal Biology, 2020. (DOI: DOI:10.1093/iob/obaa039)
- Jarchow, Meghann, Swanson, David, and Kerby, Jacob. North American Grasslands as multifunctional landscapes. In Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Life on Land, editors W. Leal Filho, A. Azul, L. Brandli, A. Lange Salvia, and T. Wall. Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71065-5_123-1)
- Swanson, David. Book Review - Fires of Life: Endothermy in Birds and Mammals, 1-4. Vol. 137 Auk: Ornithological Advances, 2020. (DOI: 10.1093/auk/ukaa020)
- Baltensperger, Andy, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David. Implications of future climate- and land-change scenarios on grassland bird abundance and biodiversity in the upper Missouri River Basin, 1757-1773. Vol. 35 Landscape Ecology, 2020. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-020-01050-4)
- Swanson, David, Goljani Amirkhiz, Reza, and Dixon, Mark. Patterns and potential causes of changing winter bird distributions in South Dakota, 45-57. Vol. 52 Prairie Naturalist, 2020.
- Swanson, David. Birder's Guide to South Dakota. Sioux Falls, SD: South Dakota Ornithologists' Union, 2019.
- Swanson, David, King, Marisa O., Culver, Will, and Zhang, Yufeng. Within-winter flexibility in muscle and heart lipid transport and catabolism in passerine birds, 451-462. Vol. 189 Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2019. (DOI: 10.1007/s00360-019-01218-8)
- Thomas, Nathan E., and Swanson, David. Do the high energy lifestyles of shorebirds result in high maximal metabolic rates? – Basal and maximal metabolic rates in least and pectoral sandpipers during migration. Vol. 50 Lund: Journal of Avian Biology, 2019. (DOI: 10.1111/jav.02062)
- Mays, Sarah E., Newberry, Gretchen N., Riley, Lynn, Britten, Hugh, and Swanson, David. Common Nighthawks (Chaordeiles minor) in agricultural landscapes: genetic structure of populations restricted to urban rooftop nesting.. American Midland Naturalist, 2019.
- Stoy, Paul, Ahmed, Selena, Jarchow, Meghann, Rashford, Benjamin, Swanson, David, Albeke, Shannon, Bromley, Gabriel, Brookshire, Jack, Dixon, Mark, Haggerty, Julia, Miller, Perry, Peyton, Brent, Royem, Alisa, Sohl, Terry, Spangler, Lee, Straub, Crista, and Poulter, Benjamin. Opportunities and tradeoffs between BECCS and food, water, energy, biodiversity, and social systems at regional scales, 100-111. Vol. 68, Iss. 2 BioScience, 2018. (DOI: 10.1093/biosci/bix145)
- Swanson, David. An analysis of the bird records of George Levin from Hereford, Meade County, South Dakota, 1935-1937, 42-47. Vol. 70 Aberdeen, SD: South Dakota Bird Notes, 2018.
- Newberry, Gretchen N., and Swanson, David. Common Nighthawks (Chordeiles minor) in the Western Corn Belt: habitat associations and population effects of conversion of grassland and rooftop nesting habitats, 216-232. Vol. 180 American Midland Naturalist, 2018.
- Buckely, Lauren, Khaliq, Imran, Swanson, David, and Hof, Christian. Does metabolism constrain bird and mammal ranges and predict shifts in response to climate change?, 12375-12385. Vol. 8 Ecology and Evolution, 2018. (DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4537)
- Newberry, Gretchen, and Swanson, David. Elevated temperatures are associated with stress in rooftop-nesting Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) chicks, coy010. Vol. 6, Iss. 1 Conservation Physiology, 2018.
- Zhang, Yufeng, Yap, Kang N., Williams, Tony D., and Swanson, David. Experimental increases in foraging costs affect pectoralis muscle mass and myostatin expression in female, but not male, zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), 849-858. Vol. 91 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2018. (DOI: 10.1086/697153)
- Zhang, Yufeng, Eyster, Kathleen, and Swanson, David. Context-dependent regulation of pectoralis myostatin and lipid transporters by temperature and photoperiod in dark-eyed juncos, 23-31. Vol. 64 Current Zoology, 2018. (DOI: 10.1093/cz/zox020)
- Jarchow, Meghann, Jennings, Ethan, Lynn, Kriston, Olvera, Selena, Seidel, Tyler, LaBelle, Aleisa, Kosola, Shelley, Austin, Shaylyn, Gray-Lobe, Geoffrey, Krasky, Rebecca, Ruiz, Sebastian, Vazquez Maestre, Bethany, Jordan, Brennan, Posthumus, David , Swanson, David, Kerby, Jacob, Wesner, Jeff, Dixon, Mark, Sweeney, Mark, Sayre, Matthew, and Rosenfeld, Silvana. A sustainable approach to environmental management, 54-57. Iss. 120 Research Features, 2017.
- Swanson, David, King, Marisa, Culver III, William, and Zhang, Yufeng. Within-winter flexibility in muscles masses, myostatin and cellular metabolic intensity in passerine birds, 210-222. Vol. 90 Chicago, IL: Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2017. (DOI: 10.1086/688956)
- Cheviron, Zachary, and Swanson, David. Comparative transcriptomics of seasonal phenotypic flexibility in two species of North American songbirds, 1040-1054. Vol. 57 Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2017. (DOI: 10.1093/icb/icx118)
- Swanson, David, McKechnie, Andrew, and Vezina, Francois. How low can you go? An adaptive energetic framework for understanding basal metabolic rate variation in endotherms, 1039-1056. Vol. 187 Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2017. (DOI: 10.1007/s00360-017-1096-3)
- Swanson, David, Dixon, Mark, and Palmer, Jeffrey. A Reassessment of Virginia’s Warbler Distribution in the Black Hills of South Dakota, 214-226. Vol. 47 Western Birds, 2016.
- Zhang, Yufeng, Carter, Travis, Eyster, Kathleen, and Swanson, David. Acute cold and exercise training increase similar aspects of fatty acid transport and catabolism in house sparrows, Passer domesticus, 3885-3893. Vol. 218 Journal of Experimental Biology, 2015.
- Swanson, David. From Tabeau to SDOU: A brief history of ornithology in South Dakota with special reference to works published in the Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, 29-51. Vol. 94 Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, 2015.
- Swanson, David, and Vezina, Francois. Environmental, Ecological and Mechanistic Drivers of Avian Seasonal Metabolic Flexibility in Response to Cold Winters, S377-S388. Vol. 156(Suppl 1) Journal of Ornithology, 2015. (DOI: 10.1007/s10336-015-1192-7)
- Munes, Eszter C., Dixon, Mark, Swanson, David, Merkord, Christopher L., and Benson, Adam R.. Large, infrequent disturbance on a regulated river: response of floodplain forest birds to the 2011 Missouri River flood, 19. Vol. 6, Iss. 11 (Article 212) Ecosphere, 2015.
- Zhang, Yufeng, King, Marissa O., Harmon, Erin, Eyster, Kathleen, and Swanson, David. Migration-induced variation of fatty acid transporters and cellular metabolic intensity in passerine birds, 797-810. Vol. 185 Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2015. (DOI: 10.1007/s00360-015-0921-9)
- Liu, Ming, and Swanson, David. Stopover duration, movement patterns and temporary home ranges of fall migrant yellow-rumped warblers in native and anthropogenic woodlands of the Northern Prairie region, 452-461. Vol. 46 Journal of Avian Biology, 2015. (DOI: 10.1111/jav.00672)
- Zhang, Yufeng, King, Marisa O., Harmon, Erin, and Swanson, David. Summer-to-winter phenotypic flexibility of fatty acid transport and catabolism in skeletal muscle and heart of small birds, 535-549. Vol. 88 Chicago, IL: Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2015. (DOI: 10.1086/682154)
- Zhang, Yufeng, Eyster, Kathleen, Liu, Jin-Song, and Swanson, David. Cross-training in birds: cold and exercise training produce similar changes in maximal metabolic output, muscle masses and myostatin expression in house sparrows, Passer domesticus, 2190-2200. Vol. 218 Journal of Experimental Biology, 2015. (DOI: 10.1242/jeb.121822)
- King, Marisa O., Zhang, Yufeng, Carter, Travis, Johnson, Jake, Harmon, Erin, and Swanson, David. Phenotypic flexibility of skeletal muscle and heart masses and expression of myostatin and tolloid–like proteinases in migrating passerine birds, 333-342. Vol. 185 Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2015. (DOI: 10.1007/s00360-015-0887-7)
- Stager, Maria, Swanson, David, and Cheviron, Zachary. Regulatory mechanisms of metabolic flexibility in the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), 767-777. Vol. 218 Journal of Experimental Biology, 2015. (DOI: 10.1242/jeb.113472)
- Jehl, Joseph R., Henry, Annette E., and Swanson, David. Ratios, adaptations, and the differential metabolic capability of avian flight muscles, 119-124. Vol. 45 Journal of Avian Biology, 2015. (DOI: 10.1111/jav.00506)
- Goodman, Barb, Koster, Karen, and Swanson, David. The Development and Implementation of a New Medical Biology Major Including Physiology, 67-75. Vol. 39 Advances in Physiology Education, 2015. (DOI: 10.1152/advan.00010.2015 )
- Swanson, David, Zhang, Yufeng, and King, Marisa O.. Mechanistic drivers of flexibility in summit metabolic rates of small birds, e101577; 1-9. Vol. 9, Iss. 7 PLoS ONE, 2014.
- Liknes, Eric T., Guglielmo, Christopher G., and Swanson, David. Phenotypic flexibility in passerine birds: seasonal variation in fuel storage, mobilization and transport, 1-10. Vol. 174 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 2014.
- Liu, Ming, and Swanson, David. Stress physiology of migrant birds during stopover in natural and anthropogenic woodland habitats the Northern Prairie region, cou046, 1-14. Vol. 2, Iss. 1 Conservation Physiology, 2014.
- Swanson, David, Zhang, Yufeng, Liu, Jin-Song, Merkord, Chris , and King, Marisa. Relative roles of temperature and photoperiod as drivers of metabolic flexibility in dark-eyed juncos., 866-875. Vol. 217 Journal of Experimental Biology, 2014.
- Swanson, David, King, Marisa O., and Harmon, Erin. Seasonal variation in pectoralis muscle and heart myostatin and tolloid-like proteinases in small birds: a regulatory role for seasonal phenotypic flexibility?, 249-258. Vol. 184 Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2014.
- Zheng, Wei–Hong , Liu, Jin-Song, and Swanson, David. Seasonal phenotypic flexibility of body mass, organ masses, and tissue oxidative capacity and their relationship to BMR in Chinese bulbuls, 432-444. Vol. 87 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2014.
- Liu, Ming, and Swanson, David. Physiological evidence that anthropogenic woodlots can substitute for native riparian woodlands as stopover habitat for migrant birds., 183-195. Vol. 87 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2014.
- Swanson, David, Zhang, Yufeng, and King, Marisa O.. Individual variation in thermogenic capacity is correlated with flight muscle size but not cellular metabolic capacity in American goldfinches, Spinus tristis., 421-431. Vol. 86 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2013. (DOI: 10.1086/671447)
- Thomas, Nathan E., and Swanson, David. Plasma metabolites and creatine kinase levels of shorebirds during fall migration in the prairie pothole region, 580-590. Vol. 130 Auk, 2013.
- Higgins, Steven A., and Swanson, David. Urea is not a universal cryoprotectant among hibernating anurans: Evidence from the freeze-tolerant boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata)., 344-350. Vol. 164 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 2013. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2012.11.002)
- King, Marisa O., and Swanson, David. Activation of the immune system incurs energetic costs but has no effect on the thermogenic performance of house sparrows during acute cold challenge. , 2097-2102. Vol. 216 Journal of Experimental Biology, 2013.
- Swanson, David, and King, Marisa O.. Short-term captivity influences maximal cold-induced metabolic rates and their repeatability in summer-acclimatized American goldfinches., 437-446. Vol. 59 Current Zoology, 2013.
- Swanson, David, and Merkord, Chris. Seasonal phenotypic flexibility of flight muscle size in small birds: a comparison of ultrasonography and tissue mass measurements., 119-127. Vol. 154 Journal of Ornithology, 2013. (DOI: 10.1007/s10336-012-0877-4)
- Swanson, David, Thomas, Nathan E., Liknes, Eric T., and Cooper, Sheldon J.. Intraspecific correlations of basal and maximal metabolic rates in birds and the aerobic capacity model for the evolution of endothermy. , e34271; 1-9. Vol. 7, Iss. 3 PLoS ONE, 2012.
- Swanson, David. Species Account for Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa). Birds of North America Online, 2012.
- Carlisle, Jay D., Richart, Casey H., Swanson, David, and Olmstead, Karen L.. Food Availability, Foraging Behavior, and Diet of Autumn Landbird Migrants in the Boise Foothills of Southwestern Idaho. , 449-461.. Vol. 114 Condor, 2012.
- Swanson, David. Book Review of Ecological and Environmental Physiology of Birds. J.E.P.W. Bicudo, W.A. Buttemer, M.A. Chappell, J.T. Pearson, and C. Bech, (2010). , 701-703. Vol. 113 Condor, 2011.
- Swanson, David, and Bozinovic, F. Metabolic capacity and the evolution of biogeographic patterns in oscine and suboscine passerine birds, 185-194. Vol. 84 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2011.
- Liknes, Eric T., and Swanson, David. Phenotypic flexibility in passerine birds: seasonal variation of aerobic enzyme activities in skeletal muscle, 430-436. Vol. 36 Journal of Thermal Biology, 2011. (DOI: doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2011.07.011 )
- Liknes, Eric T., and Swanson, David. Phenotypic flexibility of body composition associated with seasonal acclimatization of passerine birds, 363-370. Vol. 36 Journal of Thermal Biology, 2011.
- Swanson, David, and Burdick, S L.. Overwintering physiology and hibernacula microclimates of Blanchard’s cricket frogs at their northwestern range boundary, 248-254. Vol. 2010 Copeia, 2010.
- Swanson, David. Seasonal metabolic variation in birds: functional and mechanistic correlates, 75-129. Vol. 17 Current Ornithology, 2010.
- McKechnie, A E., and Swanson, David. Sources and significance of variation in basal, summit and maximal metabolic rates in birds, 741-758. Vol. 56 Current Zoology , 2010.
- Burdick, S L., and Swanson, David. Status, distribution and microhabitats of Blanchard’s cricket frog Acris blanchardi in South Dakota, 9-16. Vol. 5 Herpetological Conservation and Biology , 2010.
- Olson, J R., Cooper, S J., Swanson, David, Braun, M J., and Williams, J B.. The relationship of metabolic performance and distribution in black-capped and Carolina chickadees, 263-275. Vol. 83 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2010.
- Edwards, Joshua R., Koster, Karen, and Swanson, David. Time course for cryoprotectant synthesis in the freeze-tolerant chorus frog,< i> Pseudacris triseriata, 367–375. Vol. 125, Iss. 3 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 2000.
- Elected Fellow, South Dakota Academy of Science, 2022
- Nolop Professorship, USD Foundation, 2020
- President's Research Award - Established Faculty Category, University of South Dakota, 2019
- Elected Fellow, American Ornithological Society, 2019
- Harrington Lecturer, College of Arts & Sciences, 2016
- Truman and Beverly Schwartz Distinguished Faculty Award, University of South Dakota, College of Arts & Sciences, 2014
- Education Fellow in the Life Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, 2013
- Richard and Sharon Cutler Award in Liberal Arts, University of South Dakota College of Arts & Sciences, 2012
- Bennick, Jack C., Marolf, Chelsi, Anandan, Sampath, Mammedowa, Leyli, Swanson, David, and Jimenez, Ana G., Muscle structure does not change in house sparrows acclimated to warm, stable cold, and unpredictable cold thermal treatments. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. (January 2025)
- Lightfoot, Zach, Podias, E, Marolf, Chelsi, Anandan, Sampath, Mammedowa, Leyli, Swanson, David, and Jimenez, Ana G., Summer phenotype house sparrows demonstrate only tissue-level differences in oxidative stress when acclimated to warm, stable cold, and unpredictable cold thermal treatments. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. (January 2025)
- Swanson, David, Ramanathan, G A., Anandan, Sampath K., Marolf, Chelsi, Reihane, E, Jimenez, Ana G., and Zhang, Yufeng, Constant and fluctuating cold temperatures increase mitochondrial respiration in birds. Presented at the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Atlanta, GA. (January 2025)
- Swanson, David, Birds as Indicators of Ecological Function in Riparian Forests of the Middle Missouri River. Presented at the Missouri River Recovery and Implementation Committee Meeting, Omaha, NE. (December 03, 2024)
- Sherrouse, Ben C., Semmens, Darius J., Jarchow, Meghann E., Swanson, David, Rashford, Ben S., Nagler, Amy, and Amirkhiz, Reza G., Hotspot analysis of cultural ecosystem services and grassland bird species richness in the Upper Missouri River Basin. Presented at the ACES Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. (December 2024)
- Swanson, David, Birds of the Missouri River: Lewis and Clark to Today. Presented at the Missouri River Science and Management Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 14, 2024)
- Jorgensen, Kyle, and Swanson, David, Least Tern dispersal between nesting and on- and off-river foraging sites on the 59-mile Missouri National Recreational River. Presented at the Missouri River Science and Management Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 14, 2024)
- Donelan, Zoe, Slattery, Hannah, and Swanson, David, On-river and Off-river Least Tern surveys on the 59-mile Missouri National Recreational River. Presented at the Missouri River Science and Management Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 14, 2024)
- Jarchow, Meghann, Sherrouse, Ben, Semmens, Darius, Swanson, David, Rashford, Ben, Nagler, Amy, and Goljani Amirkhiz, Reza, Trade-offs and synergies between social values and biodiversity in the Upper Missouri River Basin. Presented at the Missouri River Science and Management Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 14, 2024)
- Dixon, Mark, Swanson, David, Magnuson, Kimberly I., and Merkord, Christopher L., Forests, Floods, and Birds along the Lower Missouri River. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, Nebraska. (March 12, 2024)
- Swanson, David, Dixon, Mark, Merkord, Chris, and Hegg, Amanda, Impacts of invasive plant species on breeding riparian birds along the regulated Missouri River. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. (March 12, 2024)
- Illeperuma, Nadeesha, Swanson, David, John, Ranjeet, and Dixon, Mark, Impact of redcedar on bird richness and abundance in floodplain forests along the Missouri River. Presented at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (January 29, 2024)
- Swanson, David, Dixon, Mark, Merkord, Chris, and Hegg, Amanda, Riparian bird responses to invasive Russian olive and eastern redcedar along the Missouri River. Presented at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (January 29, 2024)
- Marolf, Chelsi, and Swanson, Effects of variable cold temperatures on metabolic rates and organ and muscle masses of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus). Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. (January 05, 2024)
- Swanson, David, Marolf, Chelsi, and Jimenez, Ana G., Stable and fluctuating cold effects on muscle histology and oxidative balance in house sparrows. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. (January 05, 2024)
- Karr, Jessica, Deveraux, Jalyn, Swanson, David, and Cornelius, Jamie, The interactive effects of rain and cold temperature on thermogenic capacity and physiology in captive finches. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. (January 05, 2024)
- Swanson, David, Boyko, Claire, and Gulseth, Olivia, On-river and Off-river Least Tern abundance on the 59-mile reach of the MNRR. Presented at the South Dakota Academy of Science/Missouri River Science and Management Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (October 27, 2023)
- Swanson, David, and Liu, Ming, Arthropod prey and diets of woodland migrant birds are similar between Missouri River riparian corridors and anthropogenic woodlots in the Northern Prairie Region. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Helena, MT. (June 13, 2023)
- Swanson, David, Illeperuma, Nadeesha, Dixon, Mark, and John, Ranjeet, Impacts of redcedar invasion along the Missouri National Recreational River on winter bird richness and abundance. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Helena, MT. (June 13, 2023)
- Dixon, Mark, Swanson, David, Illeperuma, Nadeesha D., Merkord, Christopher L., and Johnson, W. C., Historical Changes & Ecology of Floodplain Forests in the Eastern Great Plains. Presented at the Forest Management Workshop, The Crane Trust, Alda, Nebraska. (May 09, 2023)
- Dixon, Mark, Swanson, David, Merkord, Christopher, Benson, Adam R., and Rastandeh, Amin, Habitat Associations of Riparian Birds in Successional Forests along the Missouri River. Presented at the Vegetation on Levees: Information, Data, and Approaches to Inform Best Practices, Arlington, VA. (May 03, 2023)
- Swanson, David, Phenotypically flexible responses to changing energy demands in birds. Presented at the University of Northern Iowa Biology Department Seminar, Virtual - Zoom. (March 27, 2023)
- Swanson, David, Phenotypically flexible responses to changing energy demands in birds. Presented at the Tarleton State University Biology Department Seminar, Stephenville, Texas. (March 21, 2023)
- Illeperuma, Nadeesha D., Dixon, Mark, John, Ranjeet, and Swanson, David, Impacts of Redcedar Invasion along the Missouri National Recreational River on Winter Bird Richness and Abundance. Presented at the IALE-North America Annual Meeting, Riverside, California. (March 19, 2023)
- Dixon, Mark, Nefas, Stephanie, and Swanson, David, Bird use of early successional vegetation along the Missouri River: What do we lose by managing sandbars for plovers and terns?. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 10, 2022)
- Illeperuma, Nadeesha, John, Ranjeet, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Impacts of redcedar invasion along the Missouri River on winter riparian bird richness and abundance. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 10, 2022)
- Swanson, David, Merkord, Chris, Benson, Adam, Rastandeh, Amin, and Dixon, Mark, Patch- and landscape-level habitat associations of riparian birds in successional woodlands along the regulated Missouri River. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 10, 2022)
- Swanson, David, Grasslands and Woodlands and Cold, Oh My: 32 Years (and Counting) of Bird Study in South Dakota. Presented at the South Dakota Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Madison, SD. (October 29, 2022)
- Swanson, David, , , Dixon, Mark, and , Patch- and landscape-level habitat associations of riparian birds in successional woodlands along the regulated Missouri River. Presented at the South Dakota Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Madison, SD. (October 29, 2022)
- Swanson, David, Phenotypically flexible responses to changing energy demands in birds. Presented at the Miami University Ohio Biology Department Seminar, Oxford, Ohio. (October 20, 2022)
- Swanson, David, Stager, Maria, Vezina, Francois, McKechnie, Andrew, Liu, Jin-Song, and Goljani Amirkhiz, Reza, Do birds with more flexible metabolic phenotypes pay higher maintenance costs?. Presented at the International Ornithological Congress, Virtual. (August 16, 2022)
- Swanson, David, Modeling Birds and Climate Change: Implications for Management. Presented at the U.S. Forest Service National Grasslands Journal Club, Virtual. (August 12, 2022)
- Swanson, David, Metabolic flexibility and environmental heterogeneity: How do birds respond to variable winters?. Presented at the Winter Biology Symposium, Virtual. (June 08, 2022)
- Dixon, Mark, Ley, Matthew J., Swanson, David, and Johnson, W C., Land Use, Forests, and Birds of the Big Sioux River Valley. Presented at the 54th Annual Dakota Conference on the Northern Plains, Sioux Falls, SD. (April 28, 2022)
- Swanson, David, Merkord, Chris, Rastandeh, Amin, Benson, Adam, and Dixon, Mark, Patch- and landscape-level habitat associations of riparian birds in successional woodlands along the regulated Missouri River. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. (March 23, 2022)
- Illeperuma, Nadeesha, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Impacts of Redcedar Invasion along the Missouri National Recreational River on Winter Bird Richness and Occurrence. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. (March 22, 2022)
- Illeperuma, Nadeesha, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Impacts of redcedar invasion along the Missouri River on winter riparian bird richness and abundance. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. (March 22, 2022)
- Nefas, Stephanie M., Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Bird use of early successional vegetation along the Missouri River: What do we lose by managing sandbars for Piping Plovers?. Presented at the 2022 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa. (February 15, 2022)
- Karr, Jessie, Devereaux, Jalyn, Swanson, David, and Cornelius, Jamie, Seasonal variation of thermogenic capacity in red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra). Presented at the SICB Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ/Virtual. (January 14, 2022)
- Swanson, David, Dixon, Mark, and Nefas, Stephanie, Bird use of early successional vegetation along the Missouri River: What do we lose by managing sandbars for plovers and terns?. Presented at the Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Annual Meeting, Virtual. (November 09, 2021)
- Swanson, David, Zhang, Yufeng, Yap, Kang N., and , Does the high-energy aerial insectivore lifestyle of swallows produce thermogenic side effects?. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Virtual. (January 2021)
- Stager, Maria, Senner, Nathan, Swanson, David, and Cheviron, Zac, The environmental drivers of variation in junco physiological flexibility. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Virtual. (January 2021)
- Baltensperger, Andy, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Modeling the implications of future bioenergy scenarios on bird diversity and abundance in the Upper Missouri River Basin. Presented at the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Oacoma, SD. (February 27, 2020)
- Swanson, David, Phenotypically flexible responses to changes in energy demand in birds. Presented at the Symposium: Energy, Temperature and Life History, Lund, Sweden. (January 23, 2020)
- Swanson, David, and Oboikovitz, Paige, Environmental Heterogeneity and Metabolic Flexibility in Horned Larks and House Sparrows: A Test of the Climatic Variability Hypothesis. Presented at the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. (January 06, 2020)
- Nefas, Stephanie M., Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Bird use of early successional sandbar vegetation: what do we lose by managing for plovers and terns?. Presented at the 2019 Missouri River Institute Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 21, 2019)
- Hegg, Amanda, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Effects of invasive Russian olive and eastern red cedar on bird nest survival in Missouri River riparian forests. Presented at the 2019 Missouri River Institute Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 21, 2019)
- Baltensperger, Andy, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Modeling the implications of future bioenergy scenarios on bird diversity and abundance in the upper Missouri River basin. Presented at the 2019 Missouri River Institute Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 21, 2019)
- West, Amy, and Swanson, David, Stopover biology of grassland birds on restored tallgrass prairies. Presented at the 2019 Missouri River Institute Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 21, 2019)
- Newberry, Gretchen, and Swanson, David, Common Nighthawk Conservation: Effects of Land Use and Heat Stress. Presented at the Wilson Ornithological Society and Association of Field Ornithologists Joint Meeting, Cape May, NJ. (October 2019)
- Goljani-Amirkhiz, Reza, Palmer, Jeffrey, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Applying an ensemble of small models to predict breeding distribution of Virginia's Warbler at the northeastern periphery of its range. Presented at the American Ornithology 2019, Anchorage, AK. (June 28, 2019)
- Swanson, David, Nefas, Stephanie, and Dixon, Mark, Early cottonwood-willow successional forest avian diversity: What do we lose by managing sandbars for plovers and terns?. Presented at the American Ornithology 2019, Anchorage, AK. (June 28, 2019)
- Hegg, Amanda, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Invasive plants and bird nesting success in Missouri River riparian forests. Presented at the American Ornithology 2019, Anchorage, AK. (June 28, 2019)
- Swanson, David, Thomas, Nathan, and Zhang, Yufeng, Do high-energy lifestyles in birds promote high maximal metabolic capacities?. Presented at the American Ornithology 2019, Anchorage, AK. (June 27, 2019)
- Baltensperger, Andrew, Goljani-Amirkhiz, Reza, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Modeling the implications of future bioenergy scenarios on bird diversity and abundance in the northern Great Plains. Presented at the American Ornithology 2019, Anchorage, AK. (June 27, 2019)
- West, Amy, and Swanson, David, Stopover biology of grassland birds at restored tallgrass prairies. Presented at the American Ornithology 2019, Anchorage, AK. (June 27, 2019)
- Swanson, David, Dixon, Mark, and Baltensperger, Andy, Grassland bird population projections for different climate and land-use scenarios in the Upper Missouri River Basin. Presented at the NSF RII Track 2 – Water, Agriculture, Food, Energy, Research Nexus Annual Meeting, Vermillion, SD. (June 10, 2019)
- Swanson, David, A bird's eye view of habitat quality of natural and anthropogenic woodlands in the Northern Prairie region. Presented at the Ohio Northern University Department of Biological Sciences Seminar, Ada, OH. (March 25, 2019)
- Swanson, David, Wesner, Jeff, Dixon, Mark, Warmbold, Jerry, Quist, Danielle, Yager, Lisa, Oddy, Erica, and Seidel, Tyler, Loss of aquatic-terrestrial subsidies in the Missouri River after 122 years of habitat modification. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Pierre, SD. (March 07, 2019)
- Swanson, David, Nefas, Stephanie, and Dixon, Mark, Bird use of early successional sandbar vegetation for nesting: what do we lose by managing for terns and plovers?. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Pierre, SD. (March 06, 2019)
- Swanson, David, Hegg, Amanda, and Dixon, Mark, Invasive plants and bird nesting success in Missouri River riparian forests. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Pierre, SD. (March 06, 2019)
- Swanson, David, Birds in the Cold. Presented at the Loess Hills Audubon Society Monthly Meeting, Sioux City, IA. (January 03, 2019)
- Nefas, Stephanie, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Evaluating Post-Flood Sandbar Avian Species Biodiversity. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Annual Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 15, 2018)
- Hegg, Amanda, Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Impacts of Invasive Tree Species on Bird Nesting Success in Missouri River Riparian Forests. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Annual Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 15, 2018)
- Swanson, David, Off-River Foraging of Least Terns along the Gavins Point Reach of the Missouri River. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Annual Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 15, 2018)
- West, Amy, and Swanson, David, Stopover Biology of Grassland Birds at Spirit Mound Historic Prairie. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Annual Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (November 15, 2018)
- Wone, Bernard, Cheviron, Zachary A., and Swanson, David, Unraveling the Complexity of Seasonal Phenotypic Flexibility in Small Birds via Omics Integration. Presented at the APS Intersociety Meeting: Comparative Physiology: Complexity & Integration, New Orleans, LA. (October 2018)
- Swanson, David, Climate Change-Associated Variation in Migration Timing and Winter Distributions of Birds in the Northern Prairie. Presented at the University of South Dakota, Dept Sustainability and Environment Departmental Seminar, Vermillion, SD. (September 25, 2018)
- Swanson, David, Birds in the Cold: Phenotypically Flexible Responses to Changing Energetic Demands. Presented at the University of North Texas, Dept Biological Sciences Seminar, Denton, TX. (September 14, 2018)
- Goljani Amirkhiz, Reza, Dixon, Mark, Palmer, Jeffrey, and Swanson, David, Ensemble modeling to predict Virginia’s Warbler (Oreothlypis virginiae) breeding distribution at the northeastern periphery of its range. Presented at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (August 2018)
- Swanson, David, Hegg, Amanda, and Dixon, Mark, Effects of invasive trees on nesting productivity for breeding birds in Missouri River floodplain forests. Presented at the Missouri River Ecosystem Coordination Group, DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, IA. (June 21, 2018)
- Swanson, David, A Bird’s-eye View of Habitat Quality of Natural and Human-planted Woodlands in the Northern Prairie Region. Presented at the Iowa Ornithologists Union Annual Spring Meeting, Sioux City, IA. (May 19, 2018)
- Dixon, Mark, Jarchow, Meghann, and Swanson, David, Sustainable RIVER: Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students on Missouri River Science. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. (March 22, 2018)
- Swanson, David, Hegg, Amanda, Gray-Lobe, Geoffrey, Ruiz, Sebastian, and Dixon, Mark, Effects of invasive trees on nesting productivity for breeding birds in Missouri River floodplain forests. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. (March 2018)
- Swanson, David, Hegg, Amanda, and Dixon, Mark, Impacts of Invasive Trees on Nesting Success of Breeding Birds in Missouri River Riparian Forests. Presented at the Nebraska & South Dakota Interagency Meeting, Yankton, SD. (January 25, 2018)
- Swanson, David, Zhang, Yufeng, Oboikovitz, Paige, and Agin, Timothy, Seasonal flexibility of metabolism-temperature reaction norms in cold-acclimated house sparrows: A test of the climatic variability hypothesis. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (January 04, 2018)
- Swanson, David, Birds and BECCS. Presented at the EPSCoR Track II Collaborators Webinar, Vermillion, SD. (September 2017)
- Stoy, Paul C., Gerken, Tobias, Bromley, Gabriel, Ahmed, Selena, Albeke, Shannon, Bauer, Brad, Brookshire, EN J., Haggerty, Julia, Jarchow, Meghann, Miller, Perry, Peyton, Brent, Rashford, Ben, Spangler, Lee, Swanson, David, Taylor, Suzi, and Poulter, Ben, The food-water-energy-biodiversity-social systems nexus in the Upper Missouri River Basin: Agricultural intensification has led to regional summer cooling, but need it be at the expense of biodiversity?. Presented at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. (August 06, 2017)
- Swanson, David, Emigration toward the Range Center: The Abundant Center Hypothesis in Gray Catbirds. Presented at the American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, East Lansing, MI. (August 2017)
- Oboikovitz, Paige, and Swanson, David, Environmental Heterogeneity and Metabolic Flexibility in Horned Larks and House Sparrows. Presented at the American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, East Lansing, MI. (August 2017)
- Wone, Bernard, Kinchen, Jason M., and Swanson, David, Seasonal Metabotypes in Small Birds. Presented at the Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. (April 2017)
- Swanson, David, Modeling the impact of land-use change under a bioenergy economy in the upper Missouri River basin. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (March 29, 2017)
- Stoy, Paul C., Ahmed, Selena, Gerken, Tobias, Bromley, Gabriel, Morgan, Mallory M., Wood, David, Cook, Adam, Bauer, Brad, Brookshire, EN J., Haggerty, Julia H., Jarchow, Meghann, McVay, Kent, Miller, Perry, Peyton, Brent, Rashford, Ben, Spangler, Lee, Swanson, David, Taylor, Suzi, Torrion, Jessica, and Poulter, Ben, Applying a food-energy-water nexus framework for modelling global climate stabilization scenarios that support food security. Presented at the Agriculture and Climate Change Conference, Sitges, Spain. (March 27, 2017)
- Merkord, Christopher L., Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Bird-habitat relationships in floodplain forests along the middle Missouri River. Presented at the 2017 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. (February 06, 2017)
- Dixon, Mark, Merkord, Christopher L., Swanson, David, Johnson, W C., and Scott, Michael L., Trajectories of decline in cottonwood forests along the Missouri River: Implications for songbirds. Presented at the 2017 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. (February 06, 2017)
- Swanson, David, Woodland bird use of Missouri National Recreational River riparian and farmstead woodlot habitats for nesting and migration. Presented at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. (February 06, 2017)
- Cheviron, Zachary A., Stager, Maria, and Swanson, David, Comparative transcriptomics of seasonal phenotypic flexibility in three species of North American resident songbirds. Presented at the Society of Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (January 2017)
- Stoy, Paul, Gerken, Tobias, Bromley, Gabriel, Tang, Angela, Ahmed, Selena, Haggerty, Julia, Jarchow, Meghann, Miller, Perry, Rashford, Ben, Spangler, Lee, Swanson, David, and Poulter, Ben, Cooling Trends from agricultural management practices that conserve soil carbon resources in the North American Northern Great Plains: Important first steps in the transition toward a BECCS economy. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. (December 2016)
- Swanson, David, Modeling land-use change under a bioenergy economy and its impact on economic and ecosystem services in the Upper Missouri River Basin. Presented at the South Dakota Energy Stakeholders Conference, Pierre, SD. (September 2016)
- Newberry, Gretchen, and Swanson, David, Common nighthawk nesting ecology in an agriculturally dominated landscape and susceptibility to land-use change. Presented at the VI North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C.. (August 2016)
- Swanson, David, Metabolic flexibility and biogeography in birds. Presented at the VI North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C.. (August 2016)
- Swanson, David, 2016. Missouri River Institute Research Symposium, 7 April, Vermillion, SD. Bird use of Missouri River riparian forests for migratory stopover. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (April 2016)
- Zhang, Yufeng, and Swanson, David, Cross-training in birds: acute cold and exercise training upregulate similar aspects of fatty acid transport and catabolism in house sparrows. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. (January 2016)
- Newberry, Gretchen, and Swanson, David, Nest microclimate and hatching success of common nighthawks at rooftop nest sites in an agriculturally dominated landscape. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. (January 2016)
- Swanson, David, King, Marisa, Culver, William, and Zhang, Yufeng, Within-winter flexibility in muscle mass, myostatin and cellular metabolic intensity in passerine birds. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. (January 2016)
- Munes, Eszter, Merkord, Chris L., Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Projecting long-term effects of the 2011 Missouri River flood on floodplain bird populations. Presented at the NSF Food, Energy Water Nexus Workshop, Rapid City, SD. (October 2015)
- Munes, Eszter, Merkord, Chris L., Dixon, Mark D., and Swanson, David, Effects of the 2011 flood on forest bird populations along the Missouri River. Presented at the NSF Food, Energy, Water Nexus Workshop, Rapid City, SD. (October 2015)
- Swanson, David, Mechanistic underpinnings of seasonal metabolic flexibility in birds. Presented at the International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Krakow, Poland. (August 2015)
- Swanson, David, Patterns and Mechanisms of Metabolic Flexibility During the Annual Cycle of Small Birds. Presented at the Department of Animal Physiology, Institute of General and Molecular Biology, Torun, Poland. (June 2015)
- Swanson, David, Patterns and Mechanisms of Metabolic Flexibility During the Annual Cycle of Small Birds. Presented at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Krakow, Poland. (June 2015)
- Swanson, David, Shorebirds on the Prairie: Occurrence and Identification of Spring Migrant Shorebirds in South Dakota. Presented at the South Dakota Birding Festival, Pickstown, SD. (May 2015)
- Swanson, David, Early ornithological explorations of the Missouri River in South Dakota. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (April 2015)
- Dixon, Mark, Johnson, W C., Scott, Michael L., Swanson, David, Cowman, Tim, Merkord, Christopher L., and Malloy, Terrence, Effects of the 2011 Flood on Missouri River Cottonwood Forests. Presented at the Annual NE/SD Emergent Sandbar Habitat Interagency Meeting, Lewis and Clark Visitor Center, Crofton, NE. (October 30, 2014)
- Zhang, Yufeng, and Swanson, David, Cold and exercise training produce similar increases in maximal metabolic output in house sparrows. Presented at the American Physiological Society Intersociety Meeting: Comparative Approaches to Grand Challenges in Physiology, San Diego, CA. (October 2014)
- Stager, Maria, Swanson, David, and Cheviron, Zachary A., Regulatory mechanisms of metabolic flexibility in a temperate songbird. Presented at the Ecological Genomics Symposium, Manhattan, KS. (October 2014)
- Swanson, David, Patterns and mechanisms of metabolic flexibility during the annual cycle of small birds. Presented at the North Dakota State University Graduate Seminar Series, Fargo, ND. (September 2014)
- Liu, Ming, and Swanson, David, Comparison of stopover habitat quality of native and anthropogenic woodlands in the Northern Prairie, USA, by radio-telemetry.. Presented at the 26th International Ornithological Congress, Tokyo, Japan. (August 2014)
- Swanson, David, and Vezina, Francois, Environmental, ecological and mechanistic drivers of seasonal metabolic flexibility in birds. Presented at the 26th International Ornithological Congress, Tokyo, Japan. (August 2014)
- Swanson, David, and Liu, Ming, Assessing Habitat Quality of Missouri River Riparian Woodlands for Migrating Birds Using Physiological Methods. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (April 2014)
- Liu, Ming, and Swanson, David, Using radio-telemetry to assess relative stopover habitat quality of Missouri River riparian corridor woodlands and farmstead woodlots for migrant birds. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (April 2014)
- Swanson, David, and Liu, Ming, Assessment of Habitat Quality of Missouri River Riparian Woodlands for Migrating Birds Using Physiological Methods. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. (March 2014)
- Merkord, Chris, Dixon, Mark, Swanson, David, and Johnson, W C., Projected Changes in Forest Bird Populations as a Result of Land-use/ Land-cover Change.. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. (March 2014)
- Swanson, David, Zhang, Yufeng, and King, Marisa O., Mechanistic Drivers of Variation in Thermogenic Capacity in Small Birds. Presented at the South Dakota Academy of Science, 99th Annual Meeting, Rapid City, SD. (March 2014)
- Zhang, Yufeng, and Swanson, David, Cold and exercise training produce similar increases in maximal metabolic output in house sparrows. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. (January 2014)
- Stager, Maria, Swanson, David, and Cheviron, Zac, Molecular mechanisms of metabolic flexibility induced by synthetic environmental cues in the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. (January 2014)
- Swanson, David, King, Marisa O., and Harmon, Erin, Seasonal variation in pectoralis muscle and heart myostatin and TLL in small birds: a regulatory role for seasonal phenotypes?. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. (January 2014)
- Munes, Eszter C., Merkord, Christopher L., Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Response of floodplain bird communities to the 2011 Missouri River flood. Presented at the Society for Ecological Restoration World Conference, Madison, WI. (October 08, 2013)
- Merkord, Christopher L., Dixon, Mark, Swanson, David, and Johnson, W C., Projected changes in land cover, age class, and species composition of forests on non-channelized segments of the Missouri River. Presented at the Ecological Society of America annual conference, Minneapolis, MN. (August 09, 2013)
- Balla, Esther C., Merkord, Christopher L., Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Response of floodplain bird communities to the 2011 Missouri River flood. Presented at the Ecological Society of America annual conference, Minneapolis, MN. (August 07, 2013)
- Swanson, David, and Liu, Ming, Corticosterone and stopover habitat quality for migrating woodland birds. Presented at the American Ornithologists' Union/Cooper Ornithological Society Joint Meeting, Chicago, IL. (August 2013)
- Zhang, Yufeng, and Swanson, David, Effects of cold and exercise training on metabolism of birds. Presented at the American Ornithologists' Union/Cooper Ornithological Society Joint Meeting, Chicago, IL. (August 2013)
- Stager, Maria, Swanson, David, and Cheviron, Zachary, Molecular mechanisms of metabolic flexibility in juncos. Presented at the American Ornithologists' Union/Cooper Ornithological Society Joint Meeting, Chicago, IL. (August 2013)
- Swanson, David, Zhang, Yufeng, and King, Marisa, Temperature, photoperiod and metabolic flexibility in juncos. Presented at the American Ornithologists' Union/Cooper Ornithological Society Joint Meeting, Chicago, IL. (August 2013)
- Swanson, David, Do hibernaculum microclimates limit the range of Blanchard’s cricket frog in South Dakota?. Presented at the Dakota Amphibian and Reptile Network Annual Meeting., Vermillion, SD. (May 10, 2013)
- Balla, Esther C., Merkord, Christopher L., Dixon, Mark, and Swanson, David, Response of floodplain bird communities to the 2011 Missouri River flood. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Jefferson City, Missouri. (March 12, 2013)
- Zhang, Yufeng, King, Marisa, and Swanson, David, Thermogenic capacity is correlated with flight muscle size but not cellular aerobic capacity in American goldfinches, Spinus tristis. Presented at the SICB Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (January 2013)
- King, Marisa O., and Swanson, David, Activation of the immune system incurs energetic costs but produces no thermogenic tradeoffs in House Sparrows under cold stress. Presented at the Fifth North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (August 2012)
- Swanson, David, Mechanisms and fitness correlates of seasonally flexible metabolic phenotypes in small birds. Presented at the Fifth North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (August 2012)
- Zhang, Yufeng, and Swanson, David, Metabolic rates in swallows: do energetically expensive lifestyles affect metabolic capacities in birds?. Presented at the Fifth North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (August 2012)
- Thomas, Nathan E., and Swanson, David, Metabolic rates of Least and Pectoral sandpipers at a stopover site during spring migration. Presented at the Fifth North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (August 2012)
- Liu, Ming, and Swanson, David, Plasma metabolites suggest similar stopover habitat quality for riparian corridor woodlands and anthropogenic woodlots in the northern prairie region. Presented at the Fifth North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (August 2012)
- Merkord, Chris, Swanson, David, Dixon, Mark, and Johnson, Carter, Projecting long-term landscape change along the Missouri River: implications for cottonwood forest and bird populations. Presented at the Fifth North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (August 2012)
- Dixon, Mark, Scott, Michael L., Johnson, W C., Bowen, Daniel E., Rabbe, Lisa A., Merkord, Christopher, and Swanson, David, Missouri River cottonwood forests: Past, present, and future. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Symposium, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD. (April 05, 2012)
- King, Marisa O., and Swanson, David, Activation of the immune system incurs energetic costs but no thermogenic tradeoffs in house sparrows undergoing cold stress. Presented at the South Dakota Academy of Science 97th Annual Meeting, Vermillion, SD. (April 2012)
- Zhang, Yufeng, and Swanson, David, Metabolic rates in swallows: do energetically expensive lifestyles affect metabolic capacities in birds?. Presented at the South Dakota Academy of Science 97th Annual Meeting, Vermillion, SD. (April 2012)
- Liu, Ming, and Swanson, David, Plasma metabolites suggest similar stopover habitat quality for riparian corridor woodlands and anthropogenic woodlots in the Northern Prairie region. Presented at the South Dakota Academy of Science 97th Annual Meeting, Vermillion, SD. (April 2012)
- Merkord, Chris, Dixon, Mark, Swanson, David, Johnson, W C., and Benson, Adam, Projecting long-term landscape change along the Missouri River: implications of cottonwood forests and bird populations. Presented at the South Dakota Academy of Science 97th Annual Meeting, Vermillion, SD. (April 2012)
- Swanson, David, and King, Marisa O., Short-term captivity effects on maximal cold-induced metabolic rates and their repeatability in American goldfinches. Presented at the South Dakota Academy of Science 97th Annual Meeting, Vermillion, SD. (April 2012)
- Merkord, Chris, Dixon, Mark, Swanson, David, Johnson, W C., and Benson, Adam R., Projecting long-term landscape change along the Missouri River: implications for cottonwood forests and bird populations. Presented at the US Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology Annual Symposium, Providence, RI. (April 2012)
- Merkord, Christopher L., Dixon, Mark, Swanson, David, Johnson, W C., and Benson, Adam R., Projecting long-term landscape change along the Missouri River: implications for cottonwood forests and bird populations. Presented at the Missouri River Natural Resources Conference and BiOP Forum, “The Big Muddy: What Have We Learned?”, Pierre, SD. (March 15, 2012)
- Merkord, Chris, Dixon, Mark, Swanson, David, Johnson, W C., and Benson, Adam R., Projecting long-term landscape change along the Missouri River: implications for cottonwood forests and bird populations. Presented at the Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative meeting, Bismarck, ND. (February 2012)
- Swanson, David, and Thomas, Nathan E., Are intraspecific correlations between minimum and maximum metabolic output in birds consistent with the aerobic capacity model for the evolution of endothermy? . Presented at the SICB Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. (January 2012)
- Zhang, Yufeng, and Swanson, David, Does the energetically expensive lifestyle of swallows affect thermogenic capacity? . Presented at the SICB Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. (January 2012)
- King, Marisa O., Zhang, Yufeng, Tordsen, Tyler, and Swanson, David, Seasonal phenotypic flexibility of muscle aerobic enzyme activities in small birds. . Presented at the SICB Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. (January 2012)
- Bozinovic, Francisco, and Swanson, David, Metabolic capacity and altitudinal distribution in passerine birds: A macrophysiological approach. . Presented at the IX Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Cusco, Peru. (November 2011)
- Thomas, Nathan E., and Swanson, David, Intraspecific correlation between minimum and maximum metabolic output in birds: Do intraspecific data support the aerobic capacity model for the evolution of endothermy?. Presented at the Joint Ornithological Meeting, Kearney, NE. (March 2011)
- Zhang, Yufeng, and Swanson, David, Metabolic rates in swallows: Do energetically expensive lifestyles affect metabolic capacities in birds?. Presented at the Joint Ornithological Meeting, Kearney, NE. (March 2011)
- Swanson, David, Ultrasonographic detection of seasonal changes in flight muscle size in small birds.. Presented at the Joint Ornithological Meeting, Kearney, Nebraska. (March 2011)
- Swanson, David, Mechanisms of seasonal phenotypic flexibility in small birds. Presented at the Ohio State University, EEO Biology Department Seminar Series, Columbus, Ohio. (November 04, 2010)
- Dixon, Mark, Benson, Adam, and Swanson, David, Historical changes and future projections for cottonwood forests of the Missouri River floodplain and their impacts on bird populations. Presented at the South Dakota Ornithologists Union Fall Meeting, Vermillion, SD. (October 09, 2010)
- Liu, M, and Swanson, David, Assessment of Stopover Habitat Quality of Native Riparian Corridor Woodlands and Farmstead Woodlots for Landbird Migrants. Presented at the South Dakota Ornithologists’ Union, Vermillion, SD. (October 09, 2010)
- Swanson, David, and Zhang, Y, Does an Aerial Lifestyle Impact Metabolic Rates in Swallows. Presented at the South Dakota Ornithologists’ Union, Vermillion, SD. (October 09, 2010)
- Higgins, S, and Swanson, David, Preliminary findings on cryoprotection by urea and glycerol in the boreal chorus frog. Presented at the Northern Integrative Biology Society, Decorah, IA. (October 02, 2010)
- Gregor, A J., and Swanson, David, Ecology of smooth softshell, Apalone mutica, and false map, Graptemys pseudogeographica, turtles within the 59-mile segment of the Misssouri River National Recreational River. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (April 14, 2010)
- Benson, A, Swanson, David, and Swanson, D L., Effects of forest type and age class on songbird populations across a cottonwood successional gradient within the Misssouri River National Recreational River. Presented at the Missouri River Institute Research Symposium, Vermillion, SD. (April 14, 2010)
- Swanson, David, Mechanisms of Phenotypic Flexibility of Metabolism: How do Small Birds Respond to Changing Climates?. Presented at the University of Quebec at Rimouski, Department of Biology, Quebec, Canada. (February 19, 2010)
- Swanson, David, Does metabolic capacity influence biogeography of oscine and suboscine passerine birds?. Presented at the Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, San Diego, CA. (February 07, 2010)
- Burdick, S L., and Swanson, David, Overwintering physiology and hibernacula microclimates of Blanchard’s cricket frogs at their northwestern range boundary.. Presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. (January 03, 2010)