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- Gabrielle Strouse
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I am currently an Associate Professor in the Human Development and Educational Psychology program. I am an active member of the Science of Learning Research Group and the Center for Brain and Behavior Research.
My primary research interest is in young children’s learning from media. My focus is on determining how and when young children struggle to learn from different types of media (e.g., books, videos, apps) and identifying methods for supporting children’s learning from media. I am also interested in how children transfer information from the context in which it is learned for use in new contexts. I have expertise in early childhood research, cognitive development, and media psychology as well as strong training in statistical and research methods.
- Ph D, Psychology, Vanderbilt University, 2011
- MS, Psychology, Vanderbilt University, 2007
- BA, Psychology, Northwestern University, 2003
- Read with Me, Talk with Me: An e-Book App that Enriches Caregiver-Child Language, Health Resources & Services Administration, (2016 - 2016)
- Travel Grant for Society for Research in Child Development meeting, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2025 - Present)
- Enhancing Teacher Job Satisfaction in Rural K-12 Education: Assessing the Impact of Large Language Models (LLMs) Like ChatGPT, South Dakota Community Foundation, (2024 - 2026)
- Structuring shared reading to promote joint attention and shared engagement during video chat., Center for Brain and Behavior Research, (2020 - 2021)
- Travel Grant for Society for Research in Child Development Learning Through Play & Imagination meeting, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2020 - Present)
- Cross Comparison of Virtual Reality Systems for Education and Research Suitability, NASA/South Dakota Space Grant Consortium, (2019 - 2021)
- Travel Grant for American Psychological Association Technology Mind & Society meeting, Center for Teaching and Learning, (2019 - Present)
- Supporting adult-child talk during shared e-book reading with a built-in dialogic questioner, Spencer Foundation, (2018 - 2020)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): Professional Development School (PDS), School of Education Research Center, (2018 - 2018)
- Should I flip or should I click? Parent and child conceptualizations and useage of print and digital media formats: Links to children’s learning. , Center for Brain and Behavior Research, (2017 - 2018)
- Science of Learning Research Group Continuation Grant , USD School of Education, (2017 - 2017)
- Children’s socio-emotional learning from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood: The role of prosocial Mobile Apps and Television Programming, Fred Rogers Company, (2016 - 2018)
- Science of Learning Research Group, USD School of Education, Dean's Office, (2016 - 2016)
- An examination of the educational potential of interactive touchscreen media for young children , Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada), (2014 - 2016)
- Course Design Fellowship, Center for Teaching and Learning2019)
- SERC mini-grant, School of Education Research Center
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Opoku, Akua, Mourlam, Daniel, Newland, Lisa, Chesnut, Steven, and Williams, John. Educators’ Enacted Beliefs About the Use of Print and Digital Media in Early and Middle Childhood Classrooms, 233. Vol. 3 Discover Education, 2024. (DOI: 10.1007/s44217-024-00329-x)
- Troseth, Georgene L., Barr, Rachel F., Zosh, Jennifer M., Strouse, Gabrielle, and Myers, Lauren J.. Video chat: A tool for young children's engagement and early social learning. In Digital Media and Early Child Development: Theoretical and Empirical Issues, editors Giana Bitencourt Frizzo. Springer Nature, 2024. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-69224-6_9)
- Myers, Lauren J., Strouse, Gabrielle, McClure, Elisabeth R., Keller, Krystyna R., Neely, Lucinda I., Stoto, Isabella, Vadakattu, Nithya S., Kim, Erin, Troseth, Georgene L., Barr, Rachel F., and Zosh, Jennifer M.. Look at Grandma! Triadic Joint Visual Attention Interactions Over Video Chat During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 101934. Vol. 75 Infant Behavior and Development, 2024. (DOI: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2024.101934)
- Mourlam, Daniel, DeCino, Daniel, Newland, Lisa, Strouse, Gabrielle, Chesnut, Steven, and Los, Ryan. Teachers’ Experiences with Professional Development and Technology Integration During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, 2024.
- Clinton-Lisell, Virginia, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Langowski, Alexia M.. Children's engagement during shared reading of ebooks and paper books: A systematic review, 100632. Vol. 39 International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 2024. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcci.2023.100632)
- Troseth, Georgene L., and Strouse, Gabrielle A.. In modeling digital learning, remember pictorial competence, 491-496. Vol. 12, Iss. 4 Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2023. (DOI: 10.1037/mac0000150)
- Piper, Doug, Malik, Subul, Badger, A-Nya, Washington, Charisma, Valle, Briana, Strouse, Gabrielle, Myers, Lauren, McClure, Elisabeth, Troseth, Georgene, Zosh, Jennifer, and Barr, Rachel. Sharing Culture in a Tech World: Grandparent-Grandchild Cultural Exchanges Over Video Chat. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 2023. (DOI: 10.1037/tps0000358)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Troseth, Georgene, and Stuckelman, Zachary. Page and Screen: Storybook Features that Promote Parent-Child Talk During Shared Reading, 101522. Vol. 86 Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2023. (DOI: 10.1016/j.appdev.2023.101522)
- Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, and Strouse, Gabrielle. Rural Children’s Well-Being in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from Children in the Midwestern U.S.. International Journal on Child Maltreatment, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42448-022-00133-w)
- Mourlam, Daniel, Chesnut, Steven, Strouse, Gabrielle, DeCino, Daniel, Los, Ryan, and Newland, Lisa. It’s All Relative: Changes in Teachers’ Knowledge and Instruction During COVID-19. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 2022.
- Zosh, Jennifer, Strouse, Gabrielle, Myers, Lauren, Xu, Chi, Stuckelman, Zachary, McClure, Elisabeth, Troseth, Georgene, and Bar, Rachel. Virtual Grandparenting: Identifying Barriers to Supportive Video Chat between Grandparents and Grandchildren, 9454654. Vol. 2022 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2022. (DOI: 10.1155/2022/9454654)
- Roche, Ellen, Rocha-Hidalgo, Joscelin, Piper, Douglas, Strouse, Gabrielle, Neely, Lucinda, Ryu, Jenna, Myers, Lauren, McClure, Elisabeth, Troseth, Georgene L., Zosh, Jennifer M., and Barr, Rachel. Presence at a distance: Video chat supports intergenerational sensitivity and positive infant affect during COVID-19. In Special Issue: The Impact of COVID-19 on Infant Development, 1008-1031. Vol. 27 Infancy, 2022. (DOI: 10.1111/infa.12491)
- Stuckelman, Zachary D., Troseth, Georgene L., and Strouse, Gabrielle A.. Value Added: Digital Modeling of Dialogic Questioning Promotes Positive Parenting During Shared Reading. In Growing up in a Digital World - Social and Cognitive Implications, 1010-1020. Vol. 36, Iss. 6 Journal of Family Psychology, 2022. (DOI: 10.1037/fam0000932)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Chesnut, Steven, Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, Hertel, Danielle, and Nutting, Brandon. Preschoolers’ electrodermal activity and story comprehension during print and digital shared reading, 104506. Vol. 183 Computers & Education, 2022. (DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104506)
- Rebenitsch, Lisa, Engle, Delaina, Egermier, Isaac, Paste, Manasi, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Vagts, Morgan. Ease of Use and Preferences across Virtual Reality Displays. In Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Design and Development, 238-260. Vol. 13317 HCII 2022, 2022. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-05939-1_16)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, McClure, Elisabeth, Myers, Lauren J., Zosh, Jennifer M., Troseth, Georgene L., Blanchfield, Olivia, Roche, Ellen, Malik, Subul, and Barr, Rachel. Zooming Through Development: Using Video Chat to Support Family Connections. In Children's Understanding of Emerging Technologies, 552-571. Vol. 3, Iss. 4 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2021. (DOI: 10.1002/hbe2.268)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia. Learning to learn from video? 30-month-olds benefit from continued use of supportive scaffolding. In Digital Media and Children under 3 Years of Age. Vol. 64, Iss. 101574 Infant Behavior and Development, 2021. (DOI: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2021.101574)
- Kakulla, Brittne, Barr, Rachel, Zosh, Jennifer, Strouse, Gabrielle, Myers, Lauren, Troseth, Georgene, and McClure, Elisabeth. Boomers and Zoomers: Grandparents Using Video Chat to Connect With Young Grandchildren During the Pandemic.. Washington, DC: AARP Research, 2021. (DOI: 10.26419/res.00468.001)
- Mourlam, Daniel, Chesnut, Steven, Strouse, Gabrielle, DeCino, Daniel, , and Newland, Lisa. Did they Forget? Understanding Teacher TPACK During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2021.
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia. The effect of object similarity and alignment of examples on children’s learning and transfer from picture books. In Fantasy and reality in children's learning from fictional stories. Vol. 203 Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2021. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2020.105041)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Samson, Jennifer. Learning from video: A meta-analysis of the video deficit in children ages 0 to 6, e20-e38. Vol. 92, Iss. 1 Child Development, 2021. (DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13429)
- Conaway, Chad, De Jong, David, Curtin, Susan, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Degan, Dustin. Class Size: Perceptions of K-3 Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents in a Rural, Midwest State, 213-233. Vol. 21, Iss. 1 ICPEL Education Leadership Review, 2020.
- Barr, Rachel, Blanchfield, Olivia, McClure, Elisabeth, Roche, Ellen, Zosh, Jennifer, Strouse, Gabrielle, Troseth, Georgene, and Myers, Lauren. Virtual family time: What we know about how families connect via video chat, 21-29. Vol. 41, Iss. 2 Zero to Three, 2020.
- Mourlam, Daniel, DeCino, Daniel, Newland, Lisa, and Strouse, Gabrielle. "It's fun!" Using students' voices to understand the impact of school digital technology integration on their well-being”. Computers & Education, 2020.
- Mourlam, Daniel, Strouse, Gabrielle, Kindle, Karen, Chesnut, Steven, Jacobs, Sam, and Newland, Lisa. We Came to See, Then We Saw: A Reflection of One School’s Experience Using Seesaw for Online and Remote Learning. In Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field, editors R. E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza , 639-643. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2020.
- Mourlam, Daniel, Chesnut, Steven, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Newland, Lisa. An Investigation into Teacher Candidate Self-Efficacy as a Result of a STEM Professional Development School Program. In Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. New Orleans, LA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2020.
- Chesnut, Steven, Mourlam, Daniel, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Newland, Lisa. An investigation into teacher candidate self-efficacy as a result of a STEM professional development school program. In Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2020 , 81-92. Waynesville, NC: AACE - Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2020.
- Troseth, Georgene L., Strouse, Gabrielle, Flores, Israel, Stuckelman, Zachary D., and Russo Johnson, Colleen. An enhanced eBook facilitates parent-child talk during shared reading by families of low socioeconomic status. In Intervention Research Addressing the Word Gap: Improving the Language-Learning Opportunities for Infants and Young Children. , 45-58. Vol. 50, Iss. 1 Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2020. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.02.009)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Newland, Lisa, and Mourlam, Daniel. Educational and fun? Parent vs preschooler perceptions and usage of digital and print media. In Screens, Apps, and Digital Books for Young Children: The Promise of Multimedia, 1-14. Vol. 5, Iss. 3 AERA Open, 2019. (DOI: 10.1177/2332858419861085)
- Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, Strouse, Gabrielle, DeCino, Daniel, and Hanson, Cylie. A phenomenological exploration of children's school life and well-being, 311-323. Vol. 22, Iss. 3 Learning Environments Research, 2019. (DOI: 10.1007/s10984-019-09285-y)
- Strouse, Gabrielle. Using digital media to support language learning in early childhood. In International Handbook of Language Acquisition, editors J. Horst & J. von Koss Torkildsen, 485-503. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019. (DOI: 10.4324/9781315110622-25)
- Newland, Lisa, DeCino, Daniel, Mourlam, Daniel, and Strouse, Gabrielle. School Climate, Emotions, and Relationships: Children’s Experiences of Well-Being in the Midwestern U.S., 67-83. Vol. 11, Iss. 1 International Journal of Emotional Education, 2019.
- Mourlam, Daniel, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Newland, Lisa. They think what? An investigation of preschoolers’ digital technology and media skills and teacher candidates’ beliefs.. In Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, editors K. Graziano, 1453-1461. Las Vegas, NV: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2019.
- Mourlam, Daniel, Strouse, Gabrielle, Newland, Lisa, and Lin, Haoyu. Can they do it? A comparison of teacher candidates' assumptions and preschoolers' actual skills with digital technology and media, 82-91. Vol. 129 Computers & Education, 2019. (DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.10.016)
- Rasmussen, Eric E., Strouse, Gabrielle, Collwell, Malinda J., Russo Johnson, Colleen, Holiday, Steven, Brady, Kristen, Flores, Israel, Troseth, Georgene L., Wright, Holly, Densley, Rebecca, and Norman, Mary. Promoting preschoolers’ emotional competence through prosocial TV and mobile app use, 1-22. Media Psychology, 2019. (DOI: 10.1080/15213269.2018.1476890)
- Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, and Strouse, Gabrielle. A Phenomenological Exploration of the Role of Digital Technology and Media in Children’s Subjective Well-Being, 1563–1583. Vol. 11, Iss. 5 Child Indicators Research, 2018. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-017-9498-z)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Troseth, Georgene, O'Doherty, Katherine, and Saylor, Megan. Co-Viewing Supports Toddlers’ Word Learning from Contingent and Non-Contingent Video. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2018. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2017.09.005)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Nyhout, Angela, and Ganea, Patricia. The role of book features in young children’s transfer of information from picture books to real-world contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018. (DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00050)
- Tarasuik, Joanne, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Kaufman, Jordy. In Touchscreen Tablets Touching Children's Lives. Lausanne: Frontiers Media, 2018. (DOI: 10.3389/978-2-88945-417-4)
- Troseth, Georgene L., Strouse, Gabrielle, Verdine, Brian N., and Saylor, Megan M.. Let’s Chat: On-Screen Social Responsiveness Is Not Sufficient to Support Toddlers’ Word Learning from Video. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018. (DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02195)
- Revelle, Glenda, Strouse, Gabrielle, Troseth, Georgene L., Rvachew, Susan, and Thompson Forrester, Dahlia. Technology support for adults and children reading together: Questions answered and questions raised. In Reading in the Digital Age: Young Children’s Experiences with E-books, editors J. E. Kim & B. Hassinger-Das, 103-132. Cham: Springer Nature, 2018. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-20077-0_7)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia. Are prompts provided by electronic books as effective for teaching preschoolers a biological concept as those provided by adults?. In Young Children’s Developing Understanding of the Biological World, 91-105. London: Routledge, 2017.
- Troseth, Georgene L., Strouse, Gabrielle, and Russo, Colleen E.. Early Digital Literacy: Learning to Watch, Watching to Learn. In Cognitive development in digital contexts, editors F. Blumberg & P. Brooks, 29-51. San Diego, CA: Elsevier, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-809481-5.00002-X)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia A.. Parent-Toddler Behavior and Language Differ When Reading Electronic and Print Picture Books. In Touch screen tablets touching children's lives. Frontiers in Psychology, 2017. (DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00677)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia. A print book preference: Caregivers report higher child enjoyment and more adult-child interactions when reading print than electronic books, 8-15. Vol. 12 International Journal of Child Computer Interaction, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcci.2017.02.001)
- Troseth, Georgene L., and Strouse, Gabrielle. Designing and Using Digital Books for Learning: The Informative Case of Young Children and Video, 3-7. Vol. 12 International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcci.2016.12.002)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia. Toddlers' word learning and transfer from touchscreen and traditional-format books, 129-142. Vol. 156 Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2016.12.001)
- Troseth, Georgene L., Russo, Colleen E., and Strouse, Gabrielle. What’s next for research on young children’s interactive media?. In Children, Adolescents, and Media: The future of research and action, editors D. Lemish, A. Jordan, & V. Rideout, 54-62. New York, NY: Routledge, 2016.
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia. Are prompts provided by electronic books as effective for teaching preschoolers a biological concept as those provided by adults?, 1190-1204. Vol. 27 Early Education and Development, 2016. (DOI: 10.1080/10409289.2016.1210457)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, O'Doherty, Katherine D., and Troseth, Georgene L.. Bear Snores On Comprehension Measure. PsycTESTS, 2016. (DOI: 10.1037/t38556-000)
- Troseth, Georgene L., Russo, Colleen E., and Strouse, Gabrielle. What’s next for research on young children’s interactive media?, 54-62. Vol. 10, Iss. 1 Journal of Children and Media, 2016. (DOI: 10.1080/17482798.2015.1123166)
- Neuman, Susan B., Kaefer, Tanya, Pinkham, Ashley, and Strouse, Gabrielle. Can babies learn to read? A randomized trial of baby media, 815-830. Vol. 106, Iss. 3 Journal of Educational Psychology, 2014. (DOI: 10.1037/a0035937)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Troseth, Georgene L.. Supporting toddlers' transfer of word learning from video, 47-64. Vol. 30 Cognitive Development, 2014. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2014.01.002)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, O'Doherty, Katherine D., and Troseth, Georgene L.. Effective co-viewing: Preschoolers' learning from video after a dialogic questioning intervention, 2368-2382. Vol. 49 Developmental Psychology, 2013. (DOI: 10.1037/a0032463)
- Mol, Suzanne E., Neuman, Susan B., and Strouse, Gabrielle. From ABCs to DVDs: Profiles of infants' home media environments in the first two years of life. Vol. 184, Iss. 1250-1266 Early Child Development and Care, 2013. (DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2013.862531)
- Troseth, Georgene L., O'Doherty, Katherine D., and Strouse, Gabrielle. Trusting the tube: Current information about an established technology, 25-31. Vol. 33 Zero to Three, 2013.
- DeLoache, Judy S., Chiong, Cynthia, Vanderborght, Mieke, Sherman, Kai, Islam, Nadia, Troseth, Georgene L., Strouse, Gabrielle, and O'Doherty, Katherine D.. Do babies learn from baby media?, 1570-1574. Vol. 21 Psychological Science, 2010. (DOI: 10.1177/0956797610384145)
- Troseth, Georgene L., Strouse, Gabrielle, Verdine, Brian N., and O'Doherty, Katherine D.. Do very young children learn from video?, 13-26. Vol. 21 Revista Irice, Número Monográfico: Representaciones Externas (Special Issue: External Representations), 2010.
- Calvert, Sandra L., Strouse, Gabrielle, Strong, Bonnie L., Huffaker, David A., and Lai, Sean. Preadolescent girls' and boys' virtual MUD play, 250-264. Vol. 30 Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2009. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2008.05.010)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Troseth, Georgene L.. Don't try this at home: Toddlers' imitation of new skills from people on video, 262-280. Vol. 101 Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2008. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2008.05.010)
- Calvert, Sandra L., Strouse, Gabrielle, and Murray, Katherine J.. Empathy for adolescents' role model selection and learning of DVD content, 444-455. Vol. 27 Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2006. (DOI: 10.1016/j.appdev.2006.06.005)
- Calvert, Sandra L., Rideout, Vicki J., Woolard, Jennifer L., Barr, Rachel F., and Strouse, Gabrielle. Age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic patterns in early computer use: A national survey, 590-607. Vol. 48 American Behavioral Scientist, 2005. (DOI: 10.1177/0002764204271508)
- AnisAbdellatif, Musheera, Freeman, Harry, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Abdel Wahab Mahmoud, Nehad. Culture and Attachment Preference Among Young Adults in Egypt and the United States . Attachment & Human Development . (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2025.2461315)
- Faiman, Hannah, and Strouse, Gabrielle. Perfectionism and academic burnout in high-achieving undergraduate students. Gifted Child Quarterly.
- DeCino, Daniel A., Newland, Lisa A., Strouse, Gabrielle A., and Mourlam, Daniel J.. (Re)integrating Auditors in Qualitative Research . In Accessing Children’s Voices: Methodological and Ethical Reflections on doing Fieldwork in a Multinational, Interdisciplinary, Participatory Well-being Study, editors Lise Mogense, Susan Fegter, Lisa Fischer, Christine Hunner-Kreisel, & Tobia Fattore.
- Professor of the Game, 2024
- President's Award for Research Excellence, Established Faculty or Staff, University of South Dakota, 2023
- 2023 Faculty Excellence Award - Research, School of Education, 2023
- 2021 Faculty Excellence Award - Research, School of Education, 2021
- 2017 Faculty Excellence Award - Research, School of Education, 2017
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Clinton-Lisell, Virginia, and Langowski, Alexia, Elementary Readers’ Emotional Engagement with Digital and Print Science Texts. Presented at the Biennal Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. (May 2025)
- Daniels, Lauren, Katz, Hayley, Hugo, Caroline, Milhaven, Abigail, Montague, Samantha, Pedulla, Gabriela, Dunn, Bre, Mackey, Olivia, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Myers, Lauren, Enjoyment of video chats with grandparents is predicted by parental perceptions of video chat ease-of-use. Presented at the Biennal Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. (May 2025)
- Hugo, Caroline, Katz, Hayley, Daniels, Lauren, Milhaven, Abigail, Montague, Samantha, Pedulla, Gabriela, Dunn, Bre, Mackey, Olivia, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Myers, Lauren, Video chat interactions can increase closeness among grandparents and grandchildren. Presented at the Biennal Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. (May 2025)
- O'Doherty, Katherine, Strouse, Gabrielle, McCarthy, Meg, Mesghina, Almaz, and Vollman, Layne, Teaching (Future) Teachers: Applying developmental science to education-focused classes. Presented at the Developmental Science Teaching Institute Pre-Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (May 2025)
- Newland, Lisa, Opoku, Akua, Johnson, Emma, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Mourlam, Daniel, School Well-Being of Ghanaian Adolescents Living in Ghana and the United States. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HA. (August 2024)
- Clinton-Lisell, Virginia, Langowski, Alexia M., and Strouse, Gabrielle, Do Children Process and Perceive Paper and Digital Texts Differently? An Investigation of the Shallowing Hypothesis with Elementary-School Children. Presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. (July 2024)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Myers, Lauren, Velianski, Todd, Thomas, Caitlyn, Stone, Jade, Shaw, Kendall, Ahmed, Hazem S., Millhaven, Abigail, Langlois J., Katz, Hayley, Daniels, Lauren, and Andrisoamampianina, Narindra, Building infant-grandparent closeness through structured and unstructured video chats. Presented at the International Congress of Infant Studies, Glasgow, Scotland. (July 2024)
- Lee, Ruth, Grugan, Michael, Hart, Lucy, Hegarty, Bronagh, Mullan, Sionán, Pickup, Hannah, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Measuring closeness between infant grandchildren and their grandparents. Presented at the International Congress of Infant Studies, Glasgow, Scotland. (July 2024)
- Myers, Lauren, Strouse, Gabrielle, Velianski, Todd, Andrisoamampianina, Narindra, Daniels, Lauren, Katz, Hayley, Langlois, Jess, Millhaven, Abigail, Ahmed, Hazem S., Shaw, Kendall, Stone, Jade, and Thomas, Caitlyn, Structured activities facilitate grandparent and grandchild enjoyment of triadic videochat interactions. Presented at the International Congress of Infant Studies, Glasgow, Scotland. (July 2024)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Promoting positive adult-child interactions during shared reading with digital books. Presented at the Children Reading on Screen (June 11, 2024)
- Myers, Lauren, Strouse, Gabrielle, Andrisoamampianina, Narindra, Daniels, Lauren, Katz, Hayley, Langlois, Jess, Millhaven, Abigail, Shaw, Kendall, Stone, Jade, Thomas, Caitlyn, Velianski, Todd, and Ahmed, Hazem S., Structured activities facilitate grandparent and grandchild enjoyment of triadic videochat interactions. Presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Pasadena, CA. (March 23, 2024)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Myers, Lauren, Sayed Ahmed, Hazem, Velianski, Todd, Thomas, Caitlyn, Stone, Jade, Shaw, Kendall, Millhaven, Abigail, Langlois J., Katz, Hayley, Daniels, Lauren, and Andrisoamampianina, Narindra, Parents’ perception of video chat ease-of-use predicts their and their child’s enjoyment of family video chats with a grandparent. Presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Pasadena, CA. (March 22, 2024)
- Mourlam, Daniel, DeCino, Daniel, Newland, Lisa, Strouse, Gabrielle, Chesnut, Steven, and Los, Ryan, Teachers’ Experiences with Professional Development and Technology Integration During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Presented at the SITE 2024, Las Vegas, NV. (March 2024)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Zosh, Jennifer, Troseth, Georgene, Myers, Lauren, McClure, Elisabeth, and Barr, Rachel, They long to be close to you: Grandparent and parent perceptions of closeness between video-chatting children and their grandparents. Presented at the Digital Media and Developing Minds, Washington DC. (September 2023)
- Opoku, Akua, Newland, Lisa, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Mourlam, Daniel, One Kid Two Worlds: The Well-being of Children from Ghanaian Homes Living in the United. Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA. (April 15, 2023)
- Andrisoamampianina, Narindra, Myers, Lauren, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Using Structured Video Chat To Improve Relationships Between Young Children And Remote Grandparents. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Eau Claire, WI. (April 2023)
- Roche, Ellen, Rocha-Hidalgo, Joscelin, Piper, Douglas, Strouse, Gabrielle, Myers, Lauren, McClure, Elizabeth, Troseth, Georgene, Zosh, Jennifer, and Barr, Rachel, Synchrony beyond the dyad: Intergenerational affective patterns over video chat during COVID-19. Presented at the Society for Affective Science, Long Beach, CA. (March 31, 2023)
- Piper, Doug, Neely, Lucinda, Zheng, Winni, Millhaven, Abbey, Vasquez-Inzunza, Lorena, Key, Abigail, Ettinger, Sevillana, Badger, A-Nya, Myers, Lauren, Strouse, Gabrielle, Zosh, Jennifer, McClure, Elisabeth, Troseth, Georgene, and Barr, Rachel, Let’s Take This Offline: Infant-Grandparent Play Interactions Supported By Video Chat During Separation. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. (March 25, 2023)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Troseth, Georgene, Stuckelman, Zachary, and Lurie, Jane, A Dialogic Reading Ebook Intervention Promotes Opportunities for Parent-Child Mental State Talk. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. (March 2023)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Myers, Lauren, Stone, Taylor, Vinzant, Ryan, Clark, Emily, and Lehmen, Jessica, Structuring Shared Reading Over Video Chat to Promote Joint Attention and Engagement. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. (March 2023)
- Neely, Lucinda, Ettinger, Sevillana, Badger, A-Nya, Zheng, Winni, Stoto, Isabella, Keller, Krystyna, Piper, Douglas J., Myers, Lauren, Strouse, Gabrielle, Zosh, Jennifer, McClure, Elisabeth, Troseth, Georgene, and Barr, Rachel, Peek-a-boo! I see you! An analysis of infant play, proximity, and contentment with grandparents on and off the screen. Presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, San Diego, CA. (November 2022)
- Piper, Douglas, Malik, Subul, Haddad, S, Badger, A, Pothier, Catherine, Baker, Alex, Strouse, Gabrielle, Zosh, Jennifer, Myers, Lauren, Troseth, Georgene, McClure, and Barr, Rachel, Sharing cultural experiences over video chat: Grandparents and grandchildren navigate disconnection at a distance . Presented at the XXIII Developmental Cascades, Ottawa, ON. (July 2022)
- Roche, Ellen, Rocha-Hidalgo, Joscelin, Piper, Douglas, Strouse, Gabrielle, Myers, Lauren, Zosh, Jennifer, Troseth, Georgene, McClure, Elisabeth, and Barr, Rachel, Zooming the way to relationships: Examining grandmothers? and parents? emotional availability during virtual interactions with infants during the COVID pandemic. Presented at the XXIII Developmental Cascades, Ottawa, Canada. (July 2022)
- Rebenitsch, Lisa, Engle, Delaina, Strouse, Gabrielle, Egemier, Isaac, Paste, Manasi, and Vagts, Morgan, Ease of Use and Preferences across Virtual Reality Displays. Presented at the HCII 2022, Virtual. (June 27, 2022)
- Clark, Emily, Lehmen, Jessica, Vinzant, Ryan, Stone, Taylor, Myers, Lauren, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Children’s Attention and Engagement in Shared Reading over Zoom. Presented at the Eastern South Dakota Research Symposium, Sioux Falls, SD. (June 15, 2022)
- Opoku, Akua B., Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, and Strouse, Gabrielle, One Kid Two Worlds: The Well-being of Children from Ghanaian Homes Living in the United States. Presented at the 8th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators, Gramado, Brazil. (May 25, 2022)
- Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Rural Children’s Well-Being in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from Children in the Midwestern U.S.. Presented at the 8th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators, Gramado, Brazil. (May 25, 2022)
- Stuckelman, Zachary, Troseth, Georgene, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Does parenting style contribute to amount of parent talk in shared eBook reading interactions?: A regression analysis. Presented at the Digital Media & Cognitive Development Preconference, Madison, WI. (April 21, 2022)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Barr, Rachel, McClure, Elisabeth, Myers, Lauren, Troseth, Georgene, and Zosh, Jennifer, Playing the way to recognition: Multi-generational video chat play predicts perceived grandchild recognition of their grandparent. Presented at the Learning through Play and Imagination: Expanding Perspectives, St. Louis, MO. (April 02, 2022)
- Troseth, Georgene L., Stuckelman, Zachary D., and Strouse, Gabrielle, Dialogic Reading Promotes Parent Mental State Talk During Shared Reading. Presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Madison, WI. (April 2022)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Stone, Taylor, Stoto, Isabella, and Myers, Lauren, Let's roar like a dinosaur: How young children engage in virtual shared book reading. Presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Madison, WI. (April 2022)
- Neely, Lucinda, Stoto, Isabella, Keller, Krystyna, Myers, Lauren, Strouse, Gabrielle, Zosh, Jennifer, Troseth, Georgene L., McClure, Elisabeth, and Barr, Rachel, Playful Virtual Microsystems: Triadic Play Interactions Between Pandemic-Era Babies, Parents and their Grandparents. Presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Madison, WI. (April 2022)
- Stuckelman, Zachary, Troseth, Georgene, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Does parenting style contribute to amount of parent talk in shared eBook reading interactions?: A regression analysis. Presented at the Learning through Play and Imagination: Expanding Perspectives, St. Louis, MO. (April 01, 2022)
- Myers, Lauren, Keller, Krystyna, Rocha Hidalgo, Joscelin, Neely, Lucinda, Stoto, Isabella, McClure, Elisabeth, Strouse, Gabrielle, Troseth, Georgene, Zosh, Jennifer, and Barr, Rachel, Look at Grandma! Triadic joint visual attention interactions over video chat during the COVID19 pandemic. Presented at the Learning through Play and Imagination: Expanding Perspectives, St. Louis, MO. (April 01, 2022)
- Ryu, Jena, Malik, Subul, Keller, Krystyna, Chanchavac, Kimberly, Myers, Lauren, Roche, Ellen, Strouse, Gabrielle, Zosh, Jennifer M., McClure, Elisabeth, Troseth, Georgene L., Piper, Doug J., and Barr, Rachel, Digital family relationships buffered stress and supported families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. (November 2021)
- Lurie, Jane, Stuckelman, Zachary, Troseth, Georgene, and Strouse, Gabrielle, The effects of an enhanced ebook on parent dialogic reading behaviors. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. (November 2021)
- Stuckelman, Zachary, Strouse, Gabrielle, Myers, Lauren, Barr, Rachel, Zosh, Jennifer M., McClure, Elisabeth, Xu, Chi, and Troseth, Georgene, The Role of Technology Comfort and Access in Grandparent-Grandchild Video-Chat Frequency. Presented at the Technology Mind and Society, Virtual. (November 2021)
- Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Rural Children’s Well-Being in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from Children in the Midwestern U.S.. Presented at the Children’s Understandings of Well-being Working Meeting, online. (June 03, 2021)
- Opoku, Akua, Strouse, Gabrielle, Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, and Chesnut, Steven, Digital and Print media: Why Educators Prefer Digital vs. Print Media in Early and Middle Childhood Classrooms. Presented at the Eastern South Dakota Research Symposium, Sioux Falls, SD. (June 2021)
- Thomas, Caitlyn, Stone, Taylor, Zimmerman, Katelynn, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Myers, Lauren, Zoom Story Time: Can Preschool-Aged Children Engage in Shared Book Reading with Virtual Partners?. Presented at the Ideafest (April 2021)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Hackeek, Salima, and Ganea, Patricia, Learning to learn words from video: 2.5-year-olds benefit from continued use of supportive scaffolding. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Online. (April 2021)
- Zippert, Erica, Stuckelman, Zachary, Noreem, Gabriella, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Troseth, Georgene, Parent-Child Broad Math Talk During Book Reading: Is Print Always Best? . Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Online. (April 2021)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, and Chesnut, Steven, Preschoolers do not share their parents’ beliefs about print and digital media. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Online. (April 2021)
- McClure, Elisabeth, Blanchfield, Olivia, Myers, Lauren, Roche, Ellen, Strouse, Gabrielle, Stuckelman, Zachary, Troseth, Georgene, Zosh, Jennifer, Malik, Subul, and Barr, Rachel, Zoom-ing Through Development: Using Video Chat to Support Family Connections During COVID-19 . Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Online. (April 2021)
- Stone, Taylor, Zimmerman, Katelyn, Thomas, Caitlyn, Myers, Lauren, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Zoom Story Time: Can preschool-aged children engage in shared book reading with virtual partners?. (April 2021)
- Mourlam, Daniel, Chesnut, Steven, Strouse, Gabrielle, DeCino, Daniel, Los, Ryan, and Newland, Lisa, Did they Forget? Understanding Teacher TPACK During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Online. (April 01, 2021)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Should I Flip or Should I Click? What Preschoolers and Their Parents Think About Print and Digital Media, and Preschoolers’ Psychophysiological Responses., University of South Dakota. (February 26, 2021)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Newland, Lisa, and Stewart, Carmen, Keeping up: Patterns of infant development and parent involvement for low-income families enrolled in Early Head Start. Presented at the International Congress of Infant Studies, Virtual. (July 09, 2020)
- Mourlam, Daniel, Chesnut, Steven, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Newland, Lisa, An Investigation into Teacher Candidate Self-Efficacy as a Result of a STEM Professional Development School Program. Presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, New Orleans, LA. (April 2020)
- Newland, Lisa, DeCino, Daniel, Mourlam, Daniel, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Children's Emotional Well-Being in Midwestern U.S. Schools. Presented at the International Society for Child Indicators, Tartu, Estonia. (August 2019)
- Mourlam, Daniel, DeCino, Daniel, Newland, Lisa, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Children's Technology Use in U.S. Schools: Conducive or Unconducive to Well-Being?. Presented at the International Society for Child Indicators, Tartu, Estonia. (August 2019)
- Mourlam, Daniel, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Newland, Lisa, They Think What? An Investigation of Preschoolers’ Digital Technology and Media Skills and Teacher Candidates’ Beliefs. Presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV. (March 2019)
- Hertel, Danielle, Strouse, Gabrielle, Mourlam, Daniel, Newland, Lisa, Chesnut, Steven, and Nutting, Brandon, Children’s Preference for Print Versus Digital Books: Prediction of Engagement and Comprehension During Reading. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD. (March 2019)
- Stuckelman, Zachary, Strouse, Gabrielle, Troseth, Georgene, and Flores, Israel, Say What? Evaluating the Quality of Caregiver-Child Conversations with an eBook . Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD. (March 2019)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Samson, Jennifer, Young Children’s Learning From Video: A Meta-analysis of the Video Deficit in Children 0 to 6. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD. (March 2019)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Psychophysiological approaches to understanding children’s learning in educational media contexts. . Presented at the International Mind, Brain, & Education Society, Los Angeles, CA. (September 29, 2018)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Mourlam, Daniel, Newland, Lisa, and Nutting, Brandon, Reading engineering books with preschoolers: Engagement and learning. Presented at the International Mind, Brain, & Education Society, Los Angeles, CA. (September 29, 2018)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Digital vs print books for preschoolers: Does format matter?. Presented at the Eastern South Dakota Research Symposium, Sioux Falls, SD. (May 30, 2018)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Discussant for Early Years, Early Media Session. Presented at the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic. (May 28, 2018)
- Troseth, Georgene L., Strouse, Gabrielle, and Russo Johnson, Colleen, Design Features to Support Parent-Child Talk During Shared Reading of an E-Book. Presented at the Technology, Mind & Society, Washington, DC. (April 06, 2018)
- Mourlam, Daniel, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Newland, Lisa, Are they biased? Teacher Candidate Beliefs, Preschoolers, and iPad Skills. Presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Baltimore, MD. (March 2018)
- Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Exploring U.S. children’s subjective well-being: the role of media and technology. Presented at the Exploring Children ́s Understandings of Well‐Being: Comparison beyond Methodological Nationalism, Zurich, Switzerland. (March 2018)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Flores, Israel, Stuckelman, Zachary, Russo, Colleen, and Troseth, Georgene, Built-in questions support parent-child talk during shared reading of an electronic text. Presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR. (October 2017)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Rassmussen, Eric, Collwell, Malinda, Brady, Kristen, Holiday, Steven, Densley, Rebecca, Wright, Holly, Norman, Mary, and Troseth, Georgene, Parent Mediation of Children's Strategy Learning from Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood App and Videos. Presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR. (October 2017)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Mourlam, Daniel, and Newland, Lisa, Prediction of parent facilitative behaviors when co-using digital media with preschoolers. Presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR. (October 2017)
- Ganea, Patricia, and Strouse, Gabrielle, Print or electronic picture books? Pitfalls and advantages for young children's learning. Presented at the 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France. (July 2017)
- Newland, Lisa, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Mourlam, Daniel, Exploring children's subjective well-being in the US: The role of digital and print media in children's lives. Presented at the 6th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators (June 2017)
- Troseth, Georgene L., Strouse, Gabrielle, and Russo-Johnson, Colleen, Read to Me, Talk to Me: An e-book app that incorporates dialogic questioning. . Presented at the Jean Piaget Society, San Francisco, CA. (June 2017)
- Newland, Lisa, Mourlam, Daniel, Strouse, Gabrielle, Shepherd, Diana D., Lin, Haoyu, Hanson, Cylie, Cho, Minji, and Bleecker, Heather, Children’s perspectives of the quality of their school life and well-being. Presented at the The Quality of School Life: Multidisciplinary International Symposium, Nantes, France. (June 2017)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia, Parent-toddler behavior and language differ when reading electronic and print picture books. Presented at the Eastern South Dakota Research Symposium, Sioux Falls, SD. (May 31, 2017)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia A., Parent-toddler behavior and language differ when reading electronic and print picture books. Presented at the Using Technology to Overcome Poverty-Related Disparities in Early Language Experience (preconference), Austin, TX. (April 05, 2017)
- Russo-Johnson, Colleen, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Troseth, Georgene L., Read to Me, Talk to Me: An e-book app that incorporates dialogic questioning.. Presented at the Using Technology to Overcome Poverty-Related Disparities in Early Language Experience (preconference), Austin, TX. (April 05, 2017)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia, Effect of type of structural alignment on conceptual learning and generalization from picture books.. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX. (April 2017)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Mourlam, Daniel, and Newland, Lisa, Digital vs print media formats: Similar and unique roles in children’s subjective well-being. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX. (April 2017)
- Mourlam, Daniel, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Newland, Lisa, Important, but not essential: An exploration of the role of digital technology and media in children’s subjective well-being. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX. (April 2017)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia, Parents report higher quality parent-child interactions when reading print than electronic books. Presented at the Special Topic meeting on Technology & Media in Child Development, Irvine, CA. (October 29, 2016)
- Troseth, Georgene L., Russo, Colleen E., and Strouse, Gabrielle, What’s Next for Research on Young Children’s Interactive Media?. Presented at the Special Topic meeting on Technology & Media in Child Development, Irvine, CA. (October 28, 2016)
- Mourlam, Daniel, Strouse, Gabrielle, and Newland, Lisa, The role of digital technology and media in children’s subjective well-being. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development 2016 Special Topic Meeting: Technology and Media in Children’s Development, Irvine, CA. (October 2016)
- Troseth, Georgene, Strouse, Gabrielle, Russo, Colleen, and Flores, Israel, Read With Me, Talk With Me. Presented at the Demo Days, Washington, DC. (September 21, 2016)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia, Prompting preschoolers to learn scientific concepts from e-books. Presented at the International Mind, Brain, & Education Society, Toronto, ON. (September 17, 2016)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, Mourlam, Daniel, and Newland, Lisa, A comparison of the roles of digital and print media in children’s subjective well-being. Presented at the International Mind, Brain and Education Society Conference, Toronto, Canada. (September 2016)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia, Do contingent hotspots support or distract infants from learning a new word from an electronic book?. Presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans. (May 2016)
- Strouse, Gabrielle, and Ganea, Patricia, Are prompts provided by electronic books as effective for teaching preschoolers a biological concept as those provided by adults?. Presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Columbus, OH. (October 2015)