Ganschow started his career at USD in 1985 as the fleet dispatcher. Subsequently, Ganschow spent time in the service center and purchasing department, holding a variety of roles.

Since June 2008, Ganschow has served as director of auxiliary services where he oversees the purchasing department, contract administration, risk management, aviation services, the copy center and convenience copiers, postal services, surplus property, and vending and laundry services.

“I truly enjoy working with all of the people in the various departments at USD,” said Ganschow. “Being able to assist other employees with purchasing or contract-related questions is my favorite thing. I have developed great working relationships with many people, and I will definitely miss everyone.”

Over the years Ganschow was with USD, he saw many exciting changes, including moving from paper-based operations to computerized systems.

“Technology changes have been the single most significant change – it has totally changed the way we do business and has created many efficiencies,” Ganschow said. “In the purchasing business, we transformed from a completely paper process with no computers to the electronic systems we have today during my time here.

“The addition of many new facilities on campus has been very exciting to see also. We have state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none,” Ganschow continued. “Moving from Division II to Division I was also an exciting change. Seeing our students participate at a national level is wonderful.”

With his retirement on the horizon, Ganschow plans to travel, work outdoors, camp and spend time with friends and family, including his seven grandchildren.

“USD has offered great opportunities to me, and I am very grateful for everyone that I have worked with and for the many mentors that have helped me over the years,” Ganschow said. “I’d like to wish everyone nothing but the very best in the future and GO YOTES!”

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