Kevin O'Kelley Retires From USD After 12 Years

O’Kelley moved to South Dakota from California in 2012 when he joined USD as the director of environmental, health and safety.
“My approach was to be a safety resource, not a safety cop,” said O’Kelley.
O’Kelley eventually took on roles managing all of research compliance, including the animal resource center, the institutional biosafety committee, radiation safety and emergency response planning.
He also assumed responsibility for undergraduate research programs.
“Working with the undergraduate researchers has been really rewarding,” O’Kelley said. “The most important people at USD are the students. I love working with the students.”
O’Kelley earned a master’s degree in psychology from USD in 2019 and has been teaching as an adjunct instructor in the Department of Psychology.
“I joke with my wife that if I worked for a gym, I would get fit. Since I work at a university, I got an education,” O’Kelley said.
With his background in emergency response planning, O’Kelley led USD’s COVID-19 Taskforce. He also helped the City of Vermillion in its response to the global health crisis.
“It was the first time I did any public service, and it was the most rewarding time of my professional life,” said O’Kelley.
Now, O’Kelley is well-acquainted with public service. He has served as both vice president and president of the Vermillion Rotary Club and is a member of the City of Vermillion Planning and Zoning Commission and the Clay County Local Emergency Planning Commission.
O’Kelley’s latest venture in public service involves campaigning for a seat as a Clay County commissioner.
“I was the Vermillion High School commencement speaker this year, and the theme of my talk was show up, speak up. So that’s what I’m going to do,” O’Kelley said.
Though he’s retiring, O’Kelley doesn’t have plans to slow down any time soon.
“I may take naps more often, but I still want to be useful,” O’Kelley said. “I got a tattoo of a salmon on my 65th birthday. Salmon never stop swimming until they die. I’m never going to stop swimming.”