As superintendent, Jennifer Lowery ’09, ’14, Ed.D., oversees the Tea Area School District’s growth and development while advocating for her staff and providing support.

Samantha Walder ’15, ’19, Ed.D., leads as the principal of Legacy Elementary School – one of three of the district’s elementary schools – and focuses on creating an environment conducive to learning for students while supporting her teaching staff.

Both originally from South Dakota, Lowery and Walder chose to advance their education through USD’s School of Education Division of Educational Leadership, a high-quality program that offers flexible course offerings for working professionals.

Together, Lowery and Walder are champions for education – leaders dedicated to enriching the lives of students, teachers and the community within the Tea Area School District.

Read more about how Lowery is committed to serving others and supporting her teachers and staff as the Tea Area School District superintendent.

Read more about how Walder is furthering the Tea Area Legacy Elementary School’s mission and supporting students every day as the school’s principal.

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