Contact Us

Institute for American Indian Studies
Old Main, Room 203
414 E. Clark St.
Vermillion, SD 57069

Learning for All

We offer educational programs and resources for everyone to explore the history, languages, and traditions of Native American tribes. We also champion educational opportunities for students of Native American descent.

Respectful Research

The IAIS supports research that works closely with tribal communities and honors their traditions. We encourage research that uses Indigenous perspectives, leading to a deeper understanding of their experiences.

A Center for Collaboration

The IAIS acts as a central hub within the university for all things related to Native American cultures. We hold annual meetings to connect everyone working on Indigenous issues, ensuring a respectful approach that values tribal customs.

faculty & staff

Get to know the faculty and staff in the Institute of American Indian Studies.
Bio Image for Faculty Member Elise Boxer

Elise Boxer

Dir, Inst of Am Indian Studies/Associate Professor

Departments & Facilities

Explore the departments, facilities and centers that enhance your campus experience.
Three students sitting in the NSS lobby.

Native Student Services

We aim to provide unique opportunities for Native American students by finding answers you need, people to relate to and support for your future.