Contact Us

Parry Center for Clinical Skills & Simulation
USD Health Science Center
1400 W. 22nd St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Parry Center for Clinical Skills & Simulation

The Parry Center for Clinical Skills & Simulation is a state-of-the-art learning environment that allows collaboration among students and safely simulates real-patient experiences. It is located in the lower level of the Health Science Center at 1400 W. 22nd Street in Sioux Falls.

Parking is available in the ramp to the west of our building, three-hour spaces in front of the building, the lots on the east side of Grange Avenue between 18th and 22nd Streets and a lot south on Covell Avenue.

The USD Parry Center for Clinical Skills & Simulation provides innovative, simulation-based education, research and performance assessment across the continuum of education for the USD Sanford School of Medicine, USD School of Health Sciences, affiliated residency programs, and partner health care providers . The Parry Center is actively involved in health care-related, simulation-based research to provide a safer and more effective education to students.

The Parry Center will:

  • Be a leader in multidisciplinary skills and patient care training through the development, implementation and dissemination of innovative simulation curricula
  • Expand current educational research in order to provide better training for future health care providers and to enhance quality of health care and patient safety in South Dakota
  • Be a leader in health care education, simulation, research and innovation

Our Partners

University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine

Medical students gain valuable experience in communication, clinical and procedural skills before encountering real patients. Carefully scripted scenarios involving simulators and standardized patients provide a laboratory for regular practice, assessment and feedback specifically tailored to each student throughout their training. Students and faculty are able to review the educational events captured through the B-Line™ digital recordings system, which provides an unparalleled opportunity for study and improved performance.

University of South Dakota School of Health Sciences

Students from nursing, physician assistant studies, occupational and physical therapy, addiction counseling and prevention,  and social work programs are given opportunities to practice within discipline-specific scenarios.

Graduate Medical Education

Residents specializing in surgery, pediatrics, internal medicine and family medicine are able to practice managing critical and rarely encountered events involving complex procedures on lifelike simulators without putting real patients at risk. Ethically challenging situations may be recreated through the use of standardized patient encounters.

Sioux Falls VA Health Care System

Personnel at the Sioux Falls VA Health Care System have access to the Center for training and teaching purposes of improving staff development and enhancement of health care for veterans.

Clinical Faculty

Clinical faculty can use the Center for peer evaluation of clinical skills as part of credentialing, remediation and continuing medical education.


Our Facility 

We have an array of technology available to meet your objectives. Full-body SimMan 3G, SimJunior and SimNewB are our high-fidelity manikins. The manikins can generate a physiological response to various treatments. We employ standardized patients, or actors, to portray clinic-style patients. They provide advantages like the voice, emotion and diversity seen in real-life settings. We have faculty on staff to assist with educating learners. The Parry Center also has a large number of Task Trainers, which are models that provide significant anatomical correctness of a region of the body. Each one features a skill that can be repeatedly practiced.

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