Through the grant, USD will provide Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship (NAT) support to upskill current critical care nurses to become CRNA providers through a three-year curriculum. In addition to growing the CRNA workforce to meet health care needs, the grant will also ease the financial burden for students enrolled in the program and grow the number of underserved clinical sites to expand clinical experiences and the CRNA workforce in those communities.

CRNAs provide high-quality, safe, patient-centered care in various settings including rural and underserved areas where there is a shortage of anesthesia providers. Access to anesthesia can save rural patients from long drives to access care.

“South Dakota is a highly rural state, and we need to ensure that our rural communities are receiving the quality anesthesia care that CRNAs provide,” said USD DNAP program administrator and project director Shauna Rich Jacobson, DNAP. “Equity and access to care is at the heart of this grant.”

USD’s DNAP program, in its first year of delivery, was created to open new opportunities for nurses who desire to stay and practice as CRNA providers in the state of South Dakota. Money available from this grant will be distributed directly to qualifying students.

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