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Vermillion Medical Campus
Lee Medicine Building
Sanford School of Medicine
414 E. Clark St.
Vermillion SD 57069
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The Lee Medicine Building on the Vermillion campus is where students in Pillar 1 spend the first 18 months of medical school learning the basic sciences and system blocks.

As one of the cornerstones of not only the University of South Dakota campus, but also of the regional health care industry, it is a critical component of enhancing research and improving health sciences and medical education in the state. State-of-the-art technology is deployed throughout the 156,000 square-foot building.

Funding for the $37 million project included $12.5 million from the Higher Education Facilities Fund, $12.5 million from Campaign South Dakota, $10.2 million from the federal government and $1.8 million from the state of South Dakota. Lead private gifts came from Avera Health, Monument Health and Sanford Health.

Our Facilities

Faculty & Staff

Get to know the faculty & staff of the Vermillion Medical Campus.
Bio Image for Faculty Member William Mayhan

William Mayhan

Dean, Biomedical Sciences


Cerebral Microcirculation & Vascular Biol
Bio Image for Faculty Member Daniel Bird

Daniel Bird

Assoc Dean, Biomedical Sciences


Microbiology & Immunology
Bio Image for Faculty Member Pasquale Manzerra

Pasquale Manzerra

Asst Dean-Med Student Affairs


Medical Biochemistry and Genetics
Bio Image for Faculty Member DenYelle Baete Kenyon

DenYelle Baete Kenyon

Associate Dean of Community Health & Engagement
Bio Image for Faculty Member Arica Schuknecht

Arica Schuknecht

Coordinator-Clinical Foundations
The arts in medicine gallery showcased in Lee Med.

Art in Medicine

At USD Sanford School of Medicine, a majority of humanities’ focus is on the visual arts. Photography is collected by the Photography Interest Group and displayed in the northwest corridor that connects Lee Med to the Health Sciences building. Gallery themes rotate monthly and submissions are collected from faculty, staff and students.

Learn More

Departments & Facilities

Explore the departments, facilities and centers that contribute to your education in medicine.
A BBS Student using a dropper during a lab test.

Biomedical & Translational Sciences

Housed in the state's only medical school, the Division of Biomedical and Translational Sciences creates an environment of innovative and interdisciplinary research aimed at examining human disease.

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