Music Industry & Technology
Follow your passion for music and gain unique technical skills on your path to becoming a professional in the music industry.
Why Study Music Industry & Technology?
If you're interested in sound recording, music production, electronic music or design, you may want to pursue a future in music technology or music industry. USD now offers an innovative program that sets you up for success in these fields.
In USD's B.S. in music with a specialization in industry and technology, you'll have the opportunity to blend musical and technical knowledge as you prepare for an exciting career. You'll develop skills in every aspect of music technology – product development, digital marketing, commercial music and more. At the same time, you'll also gain an understanding of musical styles, ranging from classical to contemporary. By the time you graduate, you will be ready to thrive in your future career – whether that be as a music director or composer, audio and video technician, sound engineering technician, web developer or another path.
Degrees & Offerings
Music: Industry & Technology (B.S.)
Bachelor’sThe B.S. in music with a specialization in industry and technology will provide you with a solid foundation in music, music technology, music industry and the liberal arts. You'll take classes in the Department of Music (such as Music Cultures of the World and Introduction to Electronic Music) as well as supporting coursework from departments across campus.
Program Details
Known for Excellence
Departments & Facilities

Develop the skills necessary to be successful in your musical career while gaining lifelong friends and mentors. Whether you are interested in teaching, music performance or music history — or some combination of the three — the Department of Music will provide you with real-world experiences and connections to help you succeed.
Faculty & Staff

A Program That Blends Your Interests
A number of industries need professionals who understand both music and technology. Your education at USD will prepare you to meet that need; you'll learn everything from music theory to audio production, which will give you a unique set of skills that will serve you well in your future career.

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