Withdrawal & Refunds
Learn about the withdrawal and refund process. The Business Office is your go-to resource for questions.
Withdrawal & Refund
When students withdraw from school, tuition and fees are assessed or credited, as appropriate, according to the date of withdrawal. Meal plans and room charges are also adjusted according to the date of withdrawal.
The federal refund policy will be used for all students receiving federal aid. If you received loan money, the university will calculate the amount of your loan that was "earned" according to your date of withdrawal, following federal Title IV regulations. The unearned portion will be paid back to your lender by the university. This amount paid by the university to your lender will then be charged to your university account. If this amount is larger that the credits on your account following withdrawal, you will be required to pay the difference due.
Withdrawal Application (myUSD login required)
Refunds from Overpayment
Refund requests are made at the Business Office. A credit balance can be refunded to the student within 14 days after the credit balance is created. No refunds are made to the student until all charges are paid.
Students receiving financial aid or funds from a third party might not personally receive a refund check. Refunds may be credited against financial aid received or to a third party and not to the student, regardless of how the bill was paid. For example, if you withdraw from school and receive money back for your classes but have picked up loan checks, your refund will be sent to your lender.
Direct Deposit is the preferred method for student refunds. This program allows you to have your Student Account Refund deposited directly into your personal checking or savings account. You may sign up for Direct Deposit of your refund checks through Self-Service. Click on the “Direct Deposit Refunds” link. If you do not want direct deposit, click on “Student Personal Information” and enter a student refund address to where you want your check mailed.

Business Office
Providing financial services to our students and university departments.