Disaster Response
Develop the skills you need to respond to emergency situations effectively.
Why Study Disaster Response?
As a disaster response student at USD, you will develop an understanding of disaster preparedness and immediate disaster response. You will be trained to facilitate increased awareness of disaster plans, promote improved disaster management planning and, in the event of a disaster, provide additional response support in advance or in conjunction with disaster professionals.
Through this program, you'll gain knowledge of key areas of fundamental disaster response, including Red Cross first aid training, psychological first aid training, an understanding of causes and consequences of traumatic experiences. Whether you pursue a career in disaster management, mental health or another profession, you will bring a unique skill set that makes you a valued and resourceful member of any team.
Degrees & Offerings
Psychology: Disaster Response (B.A., B.S.)
Bachelor’sDevelop a specialized set of skills and experiences to complement your psychology major by specializing in disaster response. This program provides you with a background in fundamental disaster response, preparing you to assist with disaster management and offer invaluable support in the event of a disaster.
Disaster Response
MinorA minor in disaster response provides you with a background in fundamental disaster response, preparing you to assist with disaster management and offer invaluable support in the event of a disaster. (This minor is not available to psychology majors; please see the disaster response specialization).
Disaster Response
CertificateA certificate in disaster response provides you with a background in fundamental disaster response, preparing you to assist with disaster management and offer invaluable support in the event of a disaster.
Program Details
Known for Excellence
Departments and Facilities

Expand your understanding of the human mind and behavior as you develop strengths in research, critical thinking, advocacy and service.

Psychological Services Center
The Clinical Psychology program is committed to the scientist-practitioner model of training.